Bonus Chapter: Khalan & Shawn

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Don't beat me up guys! I know you've waited longer than usual for this update. But to make it up to you I've honored a few requests to give a little Shawn and Khalan, and so here you go!

In the last chapter Charlie, Khalan's brother and Shayley's ex, showed up, but before we see how that's going to play out I'm giving you a little break from the drama in this bonus chapter! It's set a couple of months before the story and I thought it was a cute idea. We get both POVs so jackpot!

Happy reading!


"You and I will be as one
All I know is that I feel it
Like it's the realest thing, I mean it."

Song: Maybe ~ James Arthur


Khalan's POV

I paced to and fro in my dorm, biting my nail.

"Okay, keep doing that and I'm going to get dizzy," Khadijah, my roommate said. "Khalan, sit."

"I'm not a dog," I scoffed. "Besides, I can't. He walked out on me last night Dijah, and he didn't come back!"

"He probably needed to cool off," she shrugged. "I've only known you guys six months and even I know how he gets."

"You know what? You're right," I said in an attempt to convince myself. "You're right, you're right, you're ri-"


I turned to face her. "What?"

She gestured to the door. "Well if you're going to move around like that at least make yourself useful and answer whoever's knocking."

There was someone knocking?

Groaning, I went over to swing it open. "Wha-"

I stopped when I saw my visitor.

Shawn, looking as perfect as ever even though he was just in jeans and a sweatshirt.

He smiled softly. "Hey Princess."

"You came back," I said.

"Should have never left like that in the first place," he said. "I'm sorry."

I sighed in relief. "It's okay, I shouldn't have pried anyway."

"You did nothing, I was only in a bad mood because of my father," he explained.

And you took it out on me? Now sir...

"I thought things were better between you two."

He chuckled. "They are, doesn't mean we still don't see eye to eye on some things."

"So we're good?" I asked.

He smirked, and then he pulled me close to him. "We're great Michaels."

I smiled, and he lowered his head and kissed me softly on the lips, and suddenly both of us forgot that we had ever argued.

"Okay," Khadijah interrupted from her bed. "You made up, good. Now go out and do something for Valentines Day so I can watch back to back episodes of Grey's Anatomy and feel sorry that I'll never have that McDreamy type of love."

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