Chapter 10: Euphoria

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"And this truth cuts
Not through one, but both not through one, but both of us
But it's deeper if I hold on
And it's killing me, me to say "I'm fine.""

Song: Breathe - Lauv


10. Euphoria

You can change the story.

I shook my head. "Don't..."

"Don't what?" he laughed.

I gently took my hand out of his. "Don't make this about me. Watching a sunrise isn't going to change anything."

"I didn't say it was," he stated.

I sighed. "See, this is what I was afraid of, people seeing me this way."

"What way?"

"Like I'm broken," I answered.

"You think that's how I see you?" he asked.

"Right now, kind of," I replied.

"Really?" he asked, it coming out more of a statement instead.

"Why else would you bring me all the way out here?" I asked. "You could have literally taken anyone else."

"Would you have preferred that I did that?" he asked me.

"I'm confused," I admitted, running my fingers through my hair. "Okay Jacob? You confuse me."

"Shayley, there is nothing confusing about this," he chuckled. "I'd say it's pretty clear."

I sighed in frustration and walked back to the horse.

He followed me. "You don't think that's how I see you's how you see yourself."

I stayed silent.

"You think you're broken, so you can't help but think everyone thinks you are too," he went on.

"I um..."

"Don't beat yourself up," he told me, a half smile on his face.

"I...let's just go," I said softly.

He nodded and we both climbed on.

"For the record," he told me. "You're not broken."

I smiled a little.


The ride back to the ranch was silent. Not comfortable silence, the awkward kind that just made you want the ground to open up and swallow you.

Why did I feel so weird? We had a moment, and I think he was maybe trying to tell me he...liked me? I didn't conclude on anything though, because nothing was making sense to me. Anyway, like said, we had a moment, big deal.

We had a moment...

Oh God Shayley, why couldn't you be normal?

"Thank you," I blurted, as we drew nearer to the ranch.

He looked at me.

"Thanks," I said, softly. "You were trying to do something nice, and I...well I was a bitch. So, I guess I'm sorry too."

He sighed. "You have absolutely nothing to apologize for."

He gave me a reassuring smile and I nodded, grateful to him.

We got back to the ranch and headed to the stable to put the horses away.

"Well well well," Liam sneered when Jacob and I entered.

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