New book??? Help?!

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Hello my munchkins, so yeah sorry if you've seen this already posted in my other book 3 am, but I really need your help

Once I finish a book I normally have a new once ready to post but

I don't

I need you guys to help me as I've decided I'm only going to do an epeilogue for this book and then it be done, I've dragged it out long enough, but I don't have any ideas!!!

So you guys, as my readers can help me out!!!

So just comment or PM me:

Who you want the book to be about (This can be a solo person, a member of a band, a gay ship) IDC JUST LET ME KNOW

What type of book you want (This can be like Teacher/Student, Romantic or like this one and Convict a romance with an odd twist to it) JUST LET ME KNOW!!!

And that's it...Once I've got that inspiration will come quick and then once this is finished I'll be able to get a new book out to you!!!


Thanks guys, big help...The more requests I get the easier it will be ;)

Thanks again, love you millions and squillions

Keeleigh xx

P.S- I've not planned a sequel for this book as of yet so don't request it bc I'll be even moer stumped :) x

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