12. Tranquility

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Okay, so I'm afraid to say only one update today and probably not one at all tomorrow because I'm seeing my college mates tonight and tomorrow I might as well be dead XD

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"I'm insanity itself"

It was late now, Nathan and I had fallen asleep and when I woke it was dark out and there was another person in the bed next to Nathan's. I looked to the bed and realised that his roomate had obviously come back while we were asleep.

I sat up from Nathan and he groaned behind me "Brooke, what are you doing?"

I shushed him and pointed to the bed on the otherside of the room, he took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes "Do you want me to walk back with you?"

I gave a small smile and shook my head "No, go to sleep, you're tired"

I swung my legs over his and got off the bed, Nathan stood then and I looked at him "Nathan you dont have to"

He waved his hand "Got some insane people out there"

I rolled my eyes "Yet here I am letting insanity walk me to my room"

He smirked at me as we silently left the room and closed the door behind us. I was lucky to have my room on  the top floor as well, so it was only just across the corridor. We both walked in silence and I was suprised to feel Nathan take my hand in his as we were walking. I smiled to myself and held his hand back.

We reched my door and we both stood outside it, I didn't want to let his hand go. I had enjoyed the afternoon spent with him. It was nice to see a different side to him then the one that liked to stalk me. I finally dropped his hand and smiled at him

"I'll see you tomorrow?" This was more of a questiuon becuase although today he might of been all hugs and hand holding, but tomorrow he could be all threatning.

He brought his hand to my cheek and ran his thumb over it, I couldn't help but press my hand to his and lean into it, I head him chuckle softly "Yes Brooke, you'll see me tomorrow"

I smiled and dropped my hand, turning round and walking to the door. I looked back and waved at Nathan before entering the room and shutting the door. I rest my forehead on the dark wood and let out a deep sigh. This was all so strange, I had known him for three weeks and for those three weeks all he has done is make my life a living hell, yet I found myself wanting to know more and more about him.

I turned round and walked into the room where I saw both Ayesha and Dr Parker asleep on her bed. I rolled my eyes and took the sheets off my bed and left the room once more. I closed the door silently behind me and walked back down the corridor. I came to Nathan's door and hesitated for a moment, whether to knock or just go in.

I decided after thirty seconds to just go in, leaving my sheets outside on the floor, I opened the door and Nathan was sat on his bed, he looked at the door as I opened it "It's Brooke"

"Brooke what are you doing?" He stood and came over to me

I held a finger to his lips "Just grab a pillow and your sheets"

He went to speak but I just spun him round and sent him off to do as I said, he picked a pillow up and  his sheets and came back over to me. I pulled him out the room and gathered my sheets up. Nathan didn't ask questions he just followed me and I sent down every flight of stairs until I found the door we were stood at earlier.

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