22. Horror

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Eeekk, exciting chapter ((I hope))

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"...I'm not the good guy you think I am..."


Nathan had hold of my wrist and was dragging me along the hallways, up a set of stairs and down another maze of hallways. I didn't question him as he made his way around the place, I allowed myself to be pulled along to wherever he was going.

He finally stopped by a room I had never seen, he pulled me into it. I looked around the place, the paint that was crumbling off the once white walls. It was empty apart from an old fireplace that had been boarded up. The floor wasn't tiled, but was wooden, the curtains that hung around the old windows were moth eaten. The wood around the windows was rotten and falling apart. The room was in a hexagon shape.

The most beautiful feature of this room was the fireplace, the mantlepiece above was beautiful carved, on one side was the face of an angel. Beautiful and pure.

I walked over to the carving and ran my fingers through the grooves in the wood. I looked to the other side and walked to the other face, this face was not as pretty and defiantly not as warm and friendly as the other. This was the face of a demon, an unwelcome face in many places.

"Why have you brought me here?" I turned round to look at Nathan.

He was watching me look over the beautiful fireplace, he stepped forward and ran his fingers over the angel, he sighed and looked over me "I found this room when I first came here, about a month after. I needed somewhere safe, where no-one would find me"

He crouched down and pressed his hands to the side of the wood boards "I then found this"

He pushed and laid the wood to the side, where the fire should be was another room beyond it. I stared open mouthed, looking at Nathan who just smiled.

"Go in, I promise it's safe"

I got onto my hands and knees and crawled through the small opening where the fire would've been. I got half in and looked around the room, there was a bunch of blankets and cushions in the far corner. I crawled in fully and looked up, the room was a small-ish square but tall enough to have three people stand on eachothers shoulders. A light bulb hung from the high ceiling an gave the room a dull glow.

I stood and turned around, on the wall were a collection of things. Drawings, letters and pictures. I walked over and crossed my arms over my chest and walked over to them. There was a drawing of an older woman and a younger girl, The older woman was smiling and the younger girl was distracted by something.

I ran my hand over the paper and looked off to the side to see the same drawing, but an actual picture. The two blonde female's, younger and older looking as they were in the drawing. The thing different about the picture was the brunette boy stood beside the young blonde. She was reaching out for him, laughing and smiling as her brother looked round at her.

"That's my family" Nathan's voice was suddenly behind me

I looked at the picture and pointed to the brunette child "Is that you?"

He wrapped his arm around my waist from behind, he laid his chin on my shoulder and nodded. I looked back to the drawing and ran my finger over the ink "And you drew this?"

"It's all I have left of them" He whispered

"Why didn't you draw you in this?" I rest my head on his

He sighed deep "I couldn't bear to see myself in it"

I fought back the lump in my throat and looked at one of the letters, it had been screwed up several times and there were marks on the paper which led me to believe that he had been crying when this was read.

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