Chapter 3.0

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"What is wrong with you three and what has Cory Wilson got to do with all of this" Mrs Carter spoke after she sat down Infront of us in her office making me roll my eyes slightly.

I couldn't even hear her say his name. He hurt me when I found out he thought I was some slag that would sleep with him no problem I had mixed emotions I was pissed to the max after I found out, I was upset to say the least to think that's how he saw me but I was more confused as to why I was so hurt when I saw him kissing someone that wasn't me. No don't say that you hate him he's a dickhead

"Miss in all respect never say his name near me please" I said not even looking Nas and Missy in the eye, I couldn't look at them knowing what they had done Nas had actually kissed him and Missy was the one to set it up and here I thought thinking they were supposed to be my friends.

"Or do I have to go to isolation and ask him myself" Mrs Carter continued ignoring my interruption.

"Rude much" I mumbled thankfully nobody heard

When none of us spoke she took it as a sign to continue "awk girls, I held off over the fight but come on now, you three are friends what's happened to ya since you came to this school" she spoke trying to reason with us or get at least one of us to speak and it sure as hell wasn't gonna be me.

I decided to be mature when I walked into Mrs Carter's office but I gave up already as I decided to be the immature one and leave causing missy to leave quickly after leaving Nas to storm out aswell making Mrs Carter sigh.

Missy tried speaking first "with Cory and that-" but she wasn't able to speak much before Mrs Paracha came to most likely scold Nas "are you in trouble again" she said trying to catch up with Nas as she was walking away at a quick pace.

Upside to having your mum never home and nothing to do with you.

Me and missy just stood and watched feared she would scold us too.

We ended up walking behind them listening in on their conversation

"What's going on with you three huh, you've already tried to kill eachother twice" Mrs paracha said in a hushed tone but still visible anger showing

"you don't wanna know" Nas replied when her mum grabbed her arm making Nas face her.

"I do wanna know" she pleaded and I don't blame her I would wanna know if it was my child.

Me and Missy decided to leave after that and walking to our next class since the bell had just went.

"I really am sorry Ry I wasn't think about you and your wee crush" missy said slightly nudging me

"I don't have no crush Mis and I forgive you but do it again and I swear to god I'll shave your head" I threatened pointing my finger at her making missy gasp "you wouldn't dare" she scolded holding a hand on her bun.

"Oh I would and I'll do it whilst your sleeping too maybe if I'm in a good mood I'll do the eyebrows aswell"

I laughed and grabbed her arm dragging her to our next class.


Me and Missy were about to walk through the door to our next class when the intercom went off

'Could Nasreen Paracha, Ryleigh Elizabeth and Missy booth all head to isolation for the rest of the day'

"You've got to be fucking joking it's not even lunch yet"

"I am not walking into the same room as Nasreen and him" I groaned

"You must be mad you never call Nas by her full name" missy said shocked with wide eyes I just shrugged in response.

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