Chapter 6.0

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I walked through the door of my home calling my mum to see if she was home.

"Mum, are you home" I asked desperation laced through my voice, right now I just really needed a parental figure that would let me rant and not give me a friendly opinion that would spare my feelings.

"Hi Ryleigh" she slurred stumbling out of the kitchen, alcohol in hand.
"Mum are you drinking again" I said running a hand through my hair. I couldn't do this right now.

"Noooo" she replied faux offended

I decided just to not tell her my problems tonight since she wouldn't remember tomorrow anyway and just to bring her to bed.

"Come on mum let's get you to sleep" I said advancing towards her to take the alcohol out of her hand.

"No" she screamed snatching it away when I attempted to take it away making my flinch slightly but I continued to try.

"Come on mum you're drunk" I groaned her eyes showing no consideration for me

I moved again to try and grab it until she punched me right in the nose causing me to stumble back groaning holding a hand to my nose.

"At least go up to your room"

"Fine" she slurred stumbling up the stairs,I watched her until she disappeared out of my sight making me sigh taking my hand away from my nose to see my hand covered in blood.

I had never felt like this before, so unsafe in my own home my mother had never abused me before and I hated the gut wrenching feeling of not feeling safe so I put my coat on and walked to the person that would understand.

"Wow this is deja vu, what are you doing he- woah what happened to your nose" he said said when he noticed the blood pouring from my nose immediately letting me inside.

"I'm fine Cory I swear it's just a nose bleed" I groaned trying to convince him my hand still held to my nose.

"That does not look like a nose bleed"

I followed him into the kitchen watching him grab a cloth for me to hold to my nose making sure to tilt my head back in the process.

"Thank you" I mumbled sitting on his bed after my 'nose bleed' had stopped, avoiding eye contact with me.

I heard him sigh before he sat down beside me "so are you going to tell me what actually happened" he spoke glancing at me.

I looked up from the floor, tears pooling my eyes trying not to cry at the memory. Cory instantly pulling me into a hug when he saw me about to cry.

"I-I W-walked" I stuttered trying to hold in sobs.
"Shhh your going to be okay I'm here and as long as I am nobody will hurt you I promise" he soothed making me hug him tighter fearing that if I let go he would leave.

"I- walked into my house.... I was calling for my mum hoping she was home since I really need to speak with her...... until she" my breathing hitched when I thought of her drunken state walked in, Cory stroking my hair in the process "until she walked in to the hallway, she was holding alcohol in her hand clearly drunk"

I let out a strangled sob trying to continue "you don't have to continue" Cory reassured, I shook my head at him.

"No no I need to"

"When I saw her holding alcohol I questioned her about drinking again to which she denied and she kept denying so I tried to get her to her room to sleep trying to take the alcohol away at the same i time" I paused for a second gathering myself before continuing "she screamed at me when I tried but I didn't give up I kept trying to take it until she-she..... she punched me" I felt Cory gasp lightly before hugging me just as tight as I had previously done.

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