Chapter 10.0

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"good luck, you'll smash it" I told Cory as we reached the rugby pitch "i know i will" he smirked looking to me "full of yourself much" i scoffed, laughing when he nudged me.

"seriously, crush them" i warned kissing him before heading over to the group of ackley bridge supporters "only for you" i heard him yell making me smile.

"what's got you all smiley" Missy asked when i reached the two, shaking my head i replied "nothing" standing beside Nas. "why am i even here" Missy complained "i ditched school and yet i show up to this stupid match", "well because my boyfriend is on the team and Seth is also on the team" i teased, laughing lightly when i heard a scoff

"i don't like Seth" she defended.

I just hummed in response still smiling "i don't" missy argued seeing my face.

"sure" i teased knowing she found it funny as well, "okay fine maybe slightly because of how hot your soon to be brother is" she sighed staring at him running towards Mr Bell before joining the line of Ackley Bridge.

"missy he's not even that hot" Nas laughed looking at Seth basically analysing him, "he is, it's just cuz your a lesbian Nas" Missy replied not looking in Nas direction, Nas rolling her eyes playfully at Missy's response.

The opposition started doing this weird move getting on one knee like a proposal "oi don't be proposing to my boyfriend" i shouted immediately shutting my mouth when i saw Mr Bell put a finger to his lips telling me to basically shut up.

I smiled when i saw Cory looking at me smiling probably for what i had just shouted across the pitch.

"stand firm lads" he shouted in a deeper voice than usual "that's what she said" i whispered to Nas and missy, all three of us laughing at my comment.

the opposition walked towards the team chanting their school name before sticking their tounges out in their faces making Missy cringe "that's not even suhin to be scared of that's just minging" Missy scowled making a face, Nas and me nodding in response.

Cory made a whistle noise with his fingers holding them up to his mouth, suddenly drum noises starting coming out of nowhere and the boys walked up to the opposing players. "5,6,7,8" Cory shouted and all of a sudden the team started doing this weird dance which made me and Missy burst out laughing watching them.

"Corys enjoying this a bit too much" i whispered in Nas ear watching him dance with a big smile on his face the whole time. "it's kind of cute though" i smiled continuing to watch him dance, "Ry you find anything Cory does 'cute'" she smirked, i nudged her smiling before replying "shut up".

They got in the opposite teams face before walking back cheering themselves on, the Ackley Bridge supporters cheering them on also.

"Look Jordan's with his baby" Nas said pointing over to the two "do you think it's Jordan's or is Candice just playing" Missy asked as all three of us watched the two speak to eachother. "Why would she lie about it" i asked watching Jordan smile as he came in contact with his child.

Jordan running back to his team to start the match. The first part of the game the opposing players had the team, Jordan running over to get the ball, successfully getting it but not long after getting knocked to the ground.

"what was that for" i shouted throwing my arms in the air, watching all the ackley team walk over to the other team pushing them and saying words we couldn't hear.


"You tried" i smiled watching Cory walk over to me after his team loosing, "I still lost" he replied shaking his head slightly. "you still did good so stop feeling sorry for yourself" i told him as he reached me.
"i could do better, if i hadn't of stepped in there and i had of just guarded that lad over there" Cory continued, i put my hands on his face turning him to face me "you did amazing okay, stop beating yourself up" i reassured giving him a quick kiss "now go get changed you stink" i told him pushing him away again, "yeah yeah, thank you though" he said before kissing my cheek and running off.

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