19: To girls' night, with a side of Aaron!

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The next few school days went by so fast, I barely had the chance to blink. Thankfully, I didn't have any run-ins with Austin since the last time. I wasn't exactly sure how I would act around him after what we said to each other.

It was clear as day. We both had feelings for each other. And we were both too stupid to do anything about it.

''Hey, how about we have a girls' night or something? Maybe go drinking by the beach?'' Tara asked from the passenger seat as I drove us home from school.

''That sounds fun, sure!'' I thought about it, smiling. Tara and I used to drive to the beach a lot after leaving the clinic. We would sit on the sand, laughing about all the crazy things that happened there. No alcohol was involved, though. So this would be interesting. ''My place after? Mother and her 'perfect fam' will only be home in a week anyway'' I made a point.

''Yeah, yours. I'll text Sasha to come too!'' She fetched her phone from her purse, tapping away as she composed her text message.

I lip-synched along to the music. An early 2000s R&B song was softly playing, as I let my mind drift to someplace else, yet I was still focused on the road ahead of me.''I can't have what I want''.The same sentence rang in my ears every day, every time I spaced out. Why do I care about what he said? 

''She'll be at your house in about 30minutes'' Tara broke me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, still vaguely hearing his words in my head.

''You haven't been yourself lately'' She noticed my expression and sighed.

''What are you talking about?'' I wondered.

I was pretty sure I hid everything very well.

''Ever since that idiot ditched you after your panic attack. That's when it all started. And then the talk you two had at the underground fight was intense. Plus, I heard rumors about you guys having a full-on screaming match in the library'' She rambled on furiously.''I just don't like that he comes along and messes with you. It's good that you're finally allowing yourself to like someone that way, but I don't want you to lose yourself because of that someone!''

I huffed, stopping at a red light.''Tara, I'm fine. I'm just not happy, bubbly, and whatever else I was before this. But I'm fine.'' I shrugged.

''Are the rumors true?'' She ignored my blatant lie, sighing. I nodded, just as the light turned green and I was back to driving.''What did he say?'' She asked, frowning.

''Nothing'' I lied, glancing at her.

''Fine. Don't tell me then...it's not like I share absolutely everything with you, always...'' She pouted, offended. She's right...

''He lectured me about being friendly with Sam, you know, after the whole ordeal at that party'' I rolled my eyes at the memory.''And then he just played his mind-games, confusing me even more than I already was. It didn't end well, anyway''

''He's so...'' Tara groaned, throwing her head back against the seat as she struggled to find the right words. I felt that, in the depths of my soul.

''Annoying? Yeah, tell me about it...'' I finished her sentence for her, nodding.

''No. I was going to say 'idiotic'. Like, c'mon! Everyone knows you two have something going on, we're not blind. Why can't either of you just get it together? You two are like middle-schoolers, I swear!'' She shook her head, staring out through the car window.

I cocked my head to the side. Huh? I guess we are a pair of stupid middle-schoolers.


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