41: Doubt

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My eyes trailed over my mother's and Richard's lifeless bodies as I froze to the spot at the entrance to the living room. They were both laying in big pools of bright red blood, the color burning my vision and causing me to look away.

''Oh, Scrawnie, don't be sad'' Tom frowned.

I let tears slip out of my eyes as I refused to look him in the eyes. ''Why, Tom?'' I asked, my eyes finding their way to a head of blonde hair in the corner of the room. There, Gina sat curled into a ball of silent sobs behind the couch.

''I thought you hated their guts?'' He asked, generally curious.

''They're innocent, Tom'' I shook my head, telling myself to suck it up and talk him out of whatever else he planned to do with Gina. The images of my mother and Richard in a pool of their own blood flashed in my mind, making my hands tremble again. I gulped down my sobs, looking up at him. ''You...you don't have to do this, Tom'' I tried.

''Do what? Kill your skank mother and my manwhore father?'' He asked, raising an eyebrow. His eyes were bloodshot and there were speckles of blood all over his face. ''I don't know if you've noticed, but it's a little too late'' He smiled.

My throat went dry and all hopes of them being alive washed away from my mind.


Just focus on her, Tina.

''You don't have to hurt Gina'' I tried again.

''Really? After what she saw...You want her to live with this, Tina? You want her to wake up in a cold sweat every morning, her dead father's face in her mind every night before she falls asleep. Wow, and I thought I was a dickhead...'' He joked.

I glanced at Gina, who looked up at me with pleading eyes.

My gaze fell on my mother's body again, imprinting the image into my mind for eternity. Richard's arm was laying on her back as if he was trying to shield or hug her before they died. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't handle the pain in my heart anymore. ''Why, Tom?'' I asked, crying now.

He stared at me with a frown on his face, ''I thought you hated them, just like I did''.

''That doesn't make it okay to...to kill them'' I struggled over my sobs.

''Now you have no one'' He ignored what I said with a glint in his eyes. ''Just like me'' He nodded, a smile coming onto his face. Gina looked at him in fear and he turned to look at her. ''This one...she's gotta go too, don't you think?'' He asked me.

I shook my head in panic, racing towards him. ''Tom, no. Kill me. Leave her alone, please. Please, just leave her alone. Tom, listen to me!'' I stood in front of him, begging him to listen to me. His eyes were trained on Gina, behind me. ''Tom, she's your sister. She's your blood! Do you know what that means? There's a bond between you two. She loves you, I know it!'' I tried lying to him to get him to listen to me.

His eyes jumped to mine and he scrunched his eyebrows.

''Yeah, she does. She talked about you all the damn time! I used to get so mad at her but she just went on and on about how she missed her big brother...about how I sucked and all she wanted to do was see you again!'' I lied shamelessly, tripping over words.

''You're lying'' He shook his head, glancing at Gina.

''No! No, I'm telling the truth. That's why I hated her so much! I wanted her to be my sister so bad, I was hurt she chose you over me because...because we lived together and I thought you were just some asshole jock!'' I ranted.

''Is this true Gina?'' He asked her, ignoring me.

''Y-yes, I love y-you so much!'' Gina stuttered.

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