5: It's called psychological trauma, Tina

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I woke up to the worst headache I've ever experienced in my life. It felt as if I had a ticking time bomb in my brain, just waiting to blow up and end my suffering. Trust me, I'm not even exaggerating.

I looked around and relief slowly washed over me as I realized that I was thankfully in my own bed."How the hell did I get home?" I muttered to myself, despite being alone. Groaning at the headache, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

06:45 am

I slouched into my bed, probably looking like a complete mess, and dialed Tara's number. I waited for her to pick up, mumbling profanities under my breath impatiently.

She picked up after a good while, yawning repeatedly."Girl, who the hell wakes up this early after partying all night?" She groaned with obvious annoyance.

Well, me...apparently.

"How did we get home? I can't remember anything...like at all" I cut straight to the point, my headache growing worse by the second.

I patiently listened to her chug something before she finally answered me."Do you want to hear all the details?" She asked with a sigh.


"Yes, go on" I ignored my inner voice, rolling my eyes. It couldn't be that bad...right?

"I can't really remember the start and middle...but I remember the end!" She spoke enthusiastically."You threw up in a bucket and I held your hair despite you telling me you don't need my help. Then, you insisted on brushing your teeth and getting into your pj's. I toooold you that your pj's were at home but yoooou said that you needed to do that right this second. And then you said that you were going to pass out. Guess what? You did. And like, you literally collapsed. But Austin caught you, because duh, he's already so fucking whipped!" She laughed, chewing on something loudly. Does this girl have a fridge by her bed?

"Don't be dumb. Austin isn't the type to be whipped..." I groaned, rubbing my temples to ease the pain.

"What are you on?! He is totally whipped, girl! He even told me to find your shoes before we left. Trust me, guys usually don't give a damn about that stuff..." She said in a matter of fact voice, still chewing on something.

"Sounds like he was just trying to be nice, you idiot!" I mocked her tone, earning myself a disapproving groan from her.

"You're so dumb" She sighed.

"Did my mom bust us when you guys brought me in?" I huffed, switching the subject. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, waiting for her answer. To my surprise, she burst into fits of giddy laughter.

"What?" I questioned, terrified of whatever she was about to tell me.

"On the way to our neighborhood, Austin asked me if it's a good idea to bring you home. Because, like, you were literally unconscious. He thought that I should call your mom and tell her you're staying at mine!" She chuckled at the thought."It's just funny how your mom didn't even know that you went out partying, so calling her to say that you're staying at mine...would be ridiculous!" She continued to laugh, and I couldn't hold back a chuckle at the thought.

"Well, that's a relief. At least I don't have to deal with her pointless lectures this morning" I sighed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Yeah, about that..." She chuckled, sounding a little off. "You might not be lectured by your mom...but umm, how should I put this? Oh, fuck it!" She let out a deep breath and I braced myself for what was to come. "Girl, your wasted ass broke Austin's phone"

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