33: I feel safe, as long as you're next to me

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''Why did I know that the second all of us are together again, I'd be drinking again?'' I slurred, speaking to no one in particular.

We were all sprawled out in a sloppy circle on the beach, a comforting fire burning in the middle. I was so relaxed, I could've fallen asleep at any given moment.

''Because we're fun like that'' Tara answered me. My eyes found her soon enough. She was laying on her back, staring at the stars with droopy eyes. Seb was sitting next to her, a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

My eyes slowly drifted to the sloppy couple next to them. Yep, you guessed it. Sasha and Caleb. They were all over each other in a drunken fit of pure lust. Next to them, sat a very unhappy Aaron.

I laughed at the sight of his scowl as kissing sounds surrounded him.

''You need a girlfriend, my dear brother'' Tara sat up, raising an eyebrow at Aaron. He shrugged at her, not meeting her eyes. She cocked her head to the side, frowning. ''You know what? We're going out tomorrow'' She nodded to herself.

''Going out where?'' Austin snorted from beside me. I was then very conscious of his big hand on the small of my back. Also, I was wearing his huge sweatshirt over my swimsuit. Don't get me wrong! I loved it. I really do. I just couldn't really focus on anything but its scent.

''Sebby?'' Tara looked up at Seb. ''Are there any local places we could go to?'' She asked, batting her eyelashes. I stifled a chuckle at his love-struck gaze.

Sebby? Oh, wow. That's new.

''I might vomit'' Austin whispered to me so that they wouldn't hear him.

''Yeah, that was a little cheesy'' I laughed quietly, agreeing.

''If I ever call you Teeny or some shit like that, kill me'' He muttered as he scooted closer to me, wrapping both arms around me from behind. Sighing, I leaned back into him.

''And if I ever call you Aussie, unironically, kill me too'' I chuckled.

''God, I hate that nickname so much'' He let out a laugh.

''I noticed only your Mom and Sasha call you that'' I stated, enjoying the moment we were sharing. He nodded, pulling me closer to him. ''But Sasha obviously does it to tease you''

''Yeah, she got that from my Mom'' He nodded, shaking his head in amusement. ''She stayed at my house for a while, a long time ago. She and my Mom got along well'' He explained.

''Sasha lived with you?'' I scrunched my eyebrows, surprised.

''Yeah, that's how she met Caleb'' He nodded. ''She used to work for Jared or something like that. I don't really know the details, I just know she got in trouble with him and had to hide for a while'' He sighed.

''Is that why she hates him so much?'' I asked in drunken curiosity.

''Nobody knows why. Except for her and Jared, of course'' He sighed again.

''Speaking of Jared and all that...'' I began, looking up at him.

''No, don't start'' He shook his head.

''I just want to know why'' I huffed.

''Because the three of us made bad decisions when we were younger. Our parents weren't around to stop it from happening. And before we knew it, we were in too deep''

''Can you not...leave?'' I asked, frowning.

''I did''

''What?!'' I sat up, turning to look at him.

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