6: The bad boy squad?

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"So are we going to sit here in silence forever?" The principal sighed, rubbing her temples in a calming manner. She had been quite an absent principal, in all honesty. There have been so many issues in our school, and she hasn't really been taking care of them. But who am I to judge? I haven't really dealt with any of my issues either.

"Come on kids, just tell me how this happened" She huffed, typing something into her computer. I looked around the room, searching for something to switch my attention to. Tom glanced at me, giving me the death glare. He was trying to silently threaten me, so I wouldn't say anything. Little did I know, Austin saw his glare as well.

"Tom, all of his jock-buddies, Lindsay, and her cheer-slaves," Austin said simply.

"Excuse me?" The principal asked, confused. She stopped typing and completely turned away from her computer to look at the three of us.

"That's what happened...they happened" Austin groaned, aggravated by her cluelessness. My eyes widened at his bluntness and I quickly sank into my chair. As I did this, it was hard to ignore all the different aches and pains I felt. Physical and psychological.

"They've all been bullying Tina, for a while now. Ever heard that? No? Hm, shocker. That'll make you the only person in this school who doesn't fucking know" Austin spat, making me sink even lower in the chair." They've been beating her, humiliating her, treating her like crap" He continued, his anger rising by the second.

She stared at him in complete and utter shock, before turning to look at me."Is this true, Ms.White?" She asked, concern taking over her aged features.

I avoided eye contact at all costs, staring at anything but her face. My bottom lip started to tremble and I had to bite it, to make it stop.

"Tina?" She tried again.

I gulped, trying to calm my mind. It was on overdrive, trying to think of ways to avoid telling my mother about all of this. Should I lie? Should I just say that Austin made it all up? No, I couldn't.

"Tina" She demanded I look at her.

I let my eyes land on her's, immediately regretting it. She looked extremely concerned. I had never seen her like this before. Maybe it was because she never noticed anything and felt guilty. Maybe she was just worried about what my parents will do to the school's reputation. Little does she know, my parents don't give a crap. They're just as clueless as her.

Also, I guessed she realized all those trips to the nurse weren't just accidents...

"Yes..." I finally answered, my voice coming out as a barely audible whisper.

Her frown deepened, visibly trying to make sense of it all."I will call your parents, Tina. And we will surely get to the bottom of this. I promise" She assured me as if I demanded it from her. Okay, I know she's just doing her job. But I really, really didn't need this.

I nodded, curtly.

There was no way to get out of this and that realization slowly settled in my mind.
Either way, she would need to inform my mother.

Which will most likely lead to a series of unfortunate events for me...


I stood in front of the dirty restroom mirror, examining my tear-stained face. There goes my pretty makeup...

After fixing myself up, I made my way to the cafeteria. My thoughts slowly drifted off to this morning's events.

Tom, Lindsay, and everyone else involved got suspended until further investigation- as the principal said. Their parents were getting called in for a 'serious' talk this afternoon, along with my mother and stepfather. To my greatest joy, I don't need to be there.

Black & WhiteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon