22: Me? In a latex dress?

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!Trigger Warning! Yep, another one. You know the gist by now, so yeah, read on only if you're sure you'll be okay with it. Also, from now on I'll just put 'TW' at the start of a chapter, which will indicate that the chapter includes possible triggers.


''So when is the Evil Witch coming back?'' Tara asked me with her mouth full of the french toast I just made her.

''My mother?'' I asked, chuckling. I loved that my best friend disliked my mother just as much as I did.''I think she might be back sometime next week, why?''

''We have to have another party before they all come back'' She explained, a thoughtful look in her eyes. I glanced down to her lips, holding in a laugh at the sight of powdered sugar all over her mouth.''Hey, you don't want some?'' She motioned to the plateful of french toast.

I shook my head, forcing a smile onto my face.''Nah, I don't feel like getting a sugar-rush first thing in the morning'' I joked.

Yeah, right!

Look at you, lying to your friends. If you had a dollar for every time you lied to them, you'd be rich, right? You're vile, just know that. Don't believe me? Go look in the mirror. DO it! Awe, you don't want to? Because you know it. You know just how disgusting you are. 

You think not having breakfast will fix that? Haha, think again.

''Sucks for you!'' Sasha cackled, loading some more onto her plate. You can say that again...

''So when's this?'' I asked, changing the subject. To be honest, I didn't want a party.

I wanted to curl up in bed, all alone. I wanted to cry like the pathetic idiot I am. Just to slip away from reality...that's all I wanted.

''Today. Your grumpy-pants won't want to go to one during the week anyway. Besides, your mother might come back any day during the week so that's a bit risky''

I stared at her, thinking it all through. Great...I'll have to dress up and look good. Again. ''Yeah, I guess that's okay with me. How about you, Sasha?''

Sasha let out a deep sigh, clearly stuffed with food.''Sure! I've nowhere to go anyway'' She laughed it off, a hint of sadness in her dark eyes.

I scrunched my eyebrows at this.

What's that supposed to mean?

''What do you mean?'' Tara questioned as if reading my mind.

''It's nothing...'' Sasha shook her head, waving us off. Her gaze trailed off to the TV on the wall, spacing out. I watched as she picked at the skin around her nails. She was uncomfortable. I frowned at her, knowing she couldn't see me.

''Just tell us-''

''She doesn't have to, Tara'' I defended, glancing at Tara.


''Leave it'' I gave her a look that hopefully got the point across.

''It's okay, you guys'' Sasha calmed the atmosphere, sighing.''I just...I just can't talk about it just yet. I will, I promise. Just not yet, okay?''

I nodded, understanding her.

Tara frowned, already getting worried about whatever Sasha was upset about.''Okay, if you feel uncomfortable, I won't make you tell me'' She sighed, backing down at last.

''Thanks, girls'' Sasha smiled at us.


''So, what are we wearing?'' I called from the bathroom as I got out of the shower. The girls were in my bedroom, surely going through my excessive closet. I didn't mind, though. They both knew I rarely wore any of it.

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