Make Up & Make Out

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a lil over 2000 words so buckle up
hope u enjoy :)

November 17th 2023
7:31 PM

Third Person:

"R-Ryland" Hannah stuttered as her grey eyes met with his brown ones.

"Come here" He said pulling her into a tight hug. He should be upset or mad at the girl but he couldn't. How he longed for 3 long years to have her back in his arms. To hear her voice, her british accent had faded quite a bit since the last time he say her.

"RYLAND YOU COMING!" Thomas yelled from down the hall.

"YEAH JUST LET ME GET MY PHONE!" Ryland yelled back. As he entered his room, he noticed it seemed empty. Hannah's stuff. All of her stuff was gone. There sat a note on his bed. The 20 year old picked sat on the bed and began to read over the note.

April 26th 2020

My Dearest Ryland,

Before you say anything or start freaking out, I'm not going to kill myself. I'm just going away. I promise you it's what's best.

I just wanted to tell you one last time how much I love you and thank you for everything. I love you more than words can describe that's why I had to leave.

Please just continue living life to the fullest, the way you always have. Go have fun, drink all the whiteclaws the world has to offer, and skate the streets of LA. For my sake don't do anything stupid or end up in jail.

Baby, I will love you till the end of time.

Love, Hannah Camille Andrews

Ryland struggled holding back tears as a few slipped from his eyes landing on the note. His baby. The love of his life, gone. Just packed her stuff and left. "Was I not enough?" He thought. His breathing hitched as he began struggling to breath. Mia then opened the door, as he tucked the note under his pillow.

"Ryland" She said as she sat down next to him.

"D-did she t-tell yo-you she wa-was go-ing" He struggled to say. Mia just rubbed his back as he cried his eyes out. A few tears fell from Mia's eyes. She hated seeing one of her best friends like this, and she was concerned for not only Ryland but Hannah too.

"Ry I-" Hannah began, before Ryland cut her off. She wanted to tell him how sorry she was, but all he wanted to do was hold her.

"C-can we go talk" He whispered as he pulled away from the hug. All Hannah did was nod in response. He pulled her into a spare bedroom where Cam's stuff was. They sat on the floor, despite there being a bed 2 feet away from them.

"Why'd you go?!?" He bluntly said. The boy's voice cracked as he chocked back tears. All the memories flooding back. Hannah couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes again but when she did she was met with the same warm brown ones that she had first met all those years ago.

𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲, ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now