Pop Up Paps

289 5 1

November 27th 2023
8:09 pm

Third Person

"NIKITA CAMI NICK LET'S GO!" Hannah yelled from downstairs. They were going to get dinner from Saddle, as they couldn't physicaly sit at the restraunt. Michelle didn't want to go for the ride, as she wanted to stay back at the Hype House and hang out with all the kids, who were always round her house when they had lived in Carlsbad. 

"Les go" Cam said as she came downstairs on Nikkita's hip. Cameron was sitting in the back while more lying across Nick and Nikita. Hannah in shotgun and Macy in the corner seat.

"Where we going" Cam asked Nick.

"To get dinner" He responded.

"Is yourw girlfwend cominggg?" Cam giggled. Nick slightly blushed as the almost 3 year old asked about his girlfriend.

"Yeah Nick is your girlfriend coming?" Ryland asked as a huge smile grew on his face

"Maybe, maybe not" Nick said to Cam.

"That means she's coming over later" Nikita barely whispered. The three females in the back giggled when Nick piped up; 

"Why am I stuck in the middle?" Nick groaned.

"Cause youw are so fuck it up" Cam sassed the 23 year old. Ryland and Hannah held

"What the fuck why are you so sassy" Nick asked as he began tickiling his niece. 

"Cam it's suck not fuck" Macy corrected between laughs.

"I said thuck not fuck" Cami said as she rolled her eyes. 

"Cam say suck with a 's' like how you say shit" Hannah told her daughter, earning a funny look from Ryland. He hadn't expected Hannah to be laid back about Cameron swearing, she was only about to turn three.

"Josh and Bryce taught her this not me" Hannah said as she raised her hands in surrender. Ryland. After around fourty minuets they arrived at Saddle. Hannah, Ryland and Nick were going to pick up everyones orders as the whole house had ordered something.

"I wanna go too" Cam whined as the three got out of the car. Cami was holding her mask, in hand and tried getting up from Nikita's lap.

"I need a smoke" Mace said quietly as she got out of the car, pulling her juul out of her bra.

"Come on then Cam" Nick said as he picked her off Nikita's lap.

"He's good with her" Hannah muttered to Ryland.

"Which is ironic, the only other little kid he's been around was Addison's brother but he's like eleven now" Ryland responded with a chuckle.

"Mommy help" Hannah heared Cam squeal as they walked over to the restraunt. Hannah quickly turned to see Cam still in Nick's arms or rather hanging off his head? Neither her or Ryland were sure what was happening.

"Hey Hannah!" Another voice called as her, Ryland, Cami and Nick got to the front of the restraunt. Ryland was talking to the person at the front who was grabbing their food from inside. Hannah turned around to see a man with a camera and bright light standing in her face. 

"Uhh hi?" Hannah responded. Ryland quickly rushed to her side as she had only been involved with paparazzi once before, but really it had only been Alex back in the old Carlsbad house.

"HANNAH YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR YOU'RE OWN GRADUATION!" Alex yelled. Hannah quickly rushed down the stairs in her six inch white heels, white graduation dress and her cap and gown in hand. She had been getting ready in Alex and Kouvr's room. At the bottum of the stairs stood Alex, Kouvr, Nick, Patrick, Paper, Iley, Calvin and of course Ryland.

𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲, ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now