Home Time

217 4 2

December 4th 2023
5:43 pm

Third Person:

"We're back!" Ryland called as he entered Hannah's apartment. Cameron came running up to the door and attacked her parents with hugs.

"Careful" Ryland chuckled.

"Hi mommy, hi daddy" Cami smiled.

"I missed you" Cameron said as she hugged her mother's leg.

"I missed you too baby" Hannah smiled as she leaned onto Ryland.

"Come on, let's get you on the couch" Ryland softly said as he brought Hannah over to the couch.

"Where's Auntie Ness" Hannah asked, as she saw Cam's god mother no where to be found.

"She frowing up, Dosh is wif her" Cam responded as she grabbed the tv remote.

"Is, is she okay?" Hannah frantically asked as her eyes went wide.

"Yeah she otay" Cameron smiled.

"Hey" Josh smiled as he came into the room, with Ness by his side.

"How you feeling?" Nessa asked.

"I'm okay, you?" Hannah asked, eyeing Ness.

"I'm good" Ness smiled wearily.

"Mommy dess what?" Cam said to her mom.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Me and Dosh maked cookies for you"

"You did?" Hannah asked, looking at Josh.

"Yeah but they in the oben" Cami shrugged.

"Did you crack the eggs?" Ryland asked Cam.

"Yeah, and I gets no shells in da bowl" Cameron smiled proudly.

"Great job kid" Ryland said as he high-fived his daughter.

Hannah was in her bed watching 'The Office' with Ryland when Cameron walked into the room. Josh and Nessa had left around three hours ago and it was now 10:30.

"Hi beby, why aren't you asleep?" Hannah asked her daughter as Ryland paused the tv.

"Cause I not tired" Cameron shrugged.

"Kid you gotta sleep, it's late" Ryland said.

"Well you and mommy sleep at like fwee in the mowning" Cameron pointed out.

"Cause we're older than you" Ryland informed.

"Yeah, youw and mommy and like one hundred years old" Cameron said earning a sarcastic gasp from Hannah and Ryland broke into a fit of giggles along side Cameron.

"Okay, Cami come lie down" Hannah said as she pat a spot on the bed.

"Yayy" Cami giggled.

"Are youw watching the office?" Cam asked Ryland.

"Yeah, how do you know that?" Rulands asked.

"Me and mommy watched it" Cam said as Hannah began playing with her daughter's hair.

"Mommy are youw otay?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Cause you was in the hostable

𝗴𝗹𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲, ryland stormsWhere stories live. Discover now