Chapter Thirteen - After School

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Nina's POV

Mommy and daddy are downstairs signing to Bruno Mars again!

Mommy and daddy are important and busy people who make time for me and my baby brother and to sing and dance to uptown funk. I do too but I prefer to watch. Walking into the kitchen there they are singing and dancing to the music. Mommy and daddy are giggling to one another laughing as they make Alex laugh together. Once mommy sees me she dances over to me and takes my hand and twirls me like a ballerina. Giggling I laugh as daddy then picks me up and takes me to the table. The cook walks over bobbing his head to the music as he places down my favorite bacon, eggs and Gouda cheese on my plate.

If my great-grandpa was here he would thing my daddy is a kid like me cause he likes to have fun and be goofy!

Mommy is taking me to school today! I'm ready and I want to show her the new design for her iPad it's very important because I get to help her and now I can wonder around the office.

School was fun and boring I don't see why the art teacher says I can't draw in free art I love drawing pretty dresses. Other then that it was great oh except Tuesday surprise thankfully daddy made me lunch today and he made me his specialty a BLT!

Once mommy and daddy dropped me off after school and the day went by quickly. Mommy gave me permission to go to my fiends house Libby and I play and mommy would pick up because it was mommy daughter night. Soooooooo after school came and Libby and I were in her room drawing and playing with babies. When her mom walked in she looked at me closely "you look familiar? Who are your parents? My husband met them but I haven't yet." Sol said smiling at me as she sat by Libby. I looked up at her and passed her my drawing. "For you." I said as Libby's moms eyes lit up. "Wow Nina this is incredible you have a gift."she said smiling at her picture. "My mom can make that dress for you she's a fashion designer." I told her as I heard laughter coming from the foyer. Libby stood up and ran yelling " AUNT LISA!!!!"

Libby's mommy smiles and looks back down at me "what's her name maybe I can meet her for lunch sometime?" She said

"Her name is Malia Posada." I said looking back down at my drawing. Then realizing that the only one laughing was Libby. I looked up and saw shock in Sol's face and then in Libby's aunt Lisa's face but she looked more happy shock then bad shock and then there was that man from Libby's birthday party Mr. Grumpy staring wide eye at me. I looked away and down at my drawing. The states are making me feel uncomfortable.

Mommy!!!!!!! I yelled in my head.

I looked up again and shock and anger was around me. " why is it so quiet?" Libby suddenly said. I looked back to see Lisa Libby's aunt smiling at me. But Mr. Grumpy and he looked mad and RED. I feel sick...I quickly get up and run out of the room. Libby called me but I kept going. I found the kitchen and hid in the pantry room.

Why did they look at me like that? Lamby would know why. I want to go home. I'm all the way in the corner when the pantry door opens and in comes in Lisa whispering "Nina?" She said I peeked out from the corner. "Sweetie you can come out now... sorry they just know your mommy and they didn't know that she had a cute little girl." She said smiling at me as she lends her hand out for me to take. I take her hand and stand up and walk out. "I want to go home." I said as lends her hand out to me. Smirking I take her hand and stand and walk out of the pantry room. As I walk out Libby hugs and I mean bear hugs me. "Libby your chocking me." I giggle and then she giggles and then Lisa giggles. Just then the door bell rings. I can hear the maid answered the door and it was her. overjoyed that she arrives in time to save me. The queen of the castle has arrived.

Libby let me go and Lisa quickly rushed ahead of me but I ran pass her and the minute I saw her I ran into her arms and she picks me up and snuggles me in her arms. Feeling safe and sound in the arms of my mommy. Lisa came into the Foyer and when mama saw her she froze. Lisa looked towards the Sunroom seeing Mr. Grumpy Pant stare at her. Mama looked at her and gasped. " Mr. Michealson what a pleasant surprise. I take it this is your sisters home." she said her eyes looked cold and I don't know what the word is but I hear it all the time in Abuelita's telenovelas. Sol walked into the room with arm crossed.
Uh oh

Mason's POV

Standing only a few feet infront of me, Malia smiling radiantly as she embraces her daughter in her arms. I wish it was ours came to mind. The regret I feel but at the same time I feel anger. That child is a Posada, a child of the man who stole my Malia, but......I cannot help but feel a strange connection to that little girl. She looks familiar.......probably because she looks like her mother.

Sol stood besides me. "I'm sorry Malia but your daughter can no longer come to my and I know why. I do not wish for my daughter to be associated with your offspring." I looked down at my sister in shock. Libby and Nina eyes widen "WHAT!!" They both said at the same time. "No mama don't do that She's my friend!" Libby said stepping away from Sol. Nina's eyes started to water up. "Are you mad at me because I ran away and hid in the pantry room? I..I....I'll never do it again please let me come back!" Sol was cold and expressionless. "Sorry Nina but I can't ask your mother why." She said turning around to walk out of the foyer. I looked over at Malia and lord it was judgement day on Christmas 1 year after we got married all over again. "Sol!" Malia placed Nina down. "Nina go to the car please." Nina didn't move "Nina" Malia looked down at her daughter. "Nikalina Rose please my little love go to the car....Lisa take them please." Malia said softly as my baby sister took both the girls in tears out to the car.

My brain still wrapping the full first name around. "You named your daughter..." She stopped me "after your mother I gave her my word and I completed it." She said as Sol turns around, "keep your bast...." Malia slaps Sol. "your a bright women steeping down low oh so low. Nina is a child! How dare you she has nothing to do with the past and you bring her into it." She is angry I've never seen her this angry! She's mama lion angry. "She is the product of your betrayal to my brother!" She said justifying herself. "Or she could be your niece but you didn't think of it. You and your family think you know what happen. But you don't you believed a lie that ruined his life" she pointed at me. "My life and that child's but then again she could be Alejandro's since that's what you all think and believe but that's ok Alejandro, my husband and I know the truth." She instantly turned around and left the foyer and soon the car left taking Nina home.

Lisa walked in with Libby and once Libby was in she ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. Lisa spoke up finally. "your low real low. your daughter barely has any friends come over and you banished her friend. Shame on you!" She said leaving the house. Women seriously but on this I'm siding with the carefree little sister.

"What a day you! You didn't have to do that to her."

"I did! you'll thank me one day." Sol said as she serves herself a glass of bourbon and sits down to stare at the fireplace.

"Good night" she didn't answers so I left thinking about Malia and what she said about Nina. I'm wishing, I'm wishing really hard for my thinking to be real. "Malia promised mom if she were to have my child and she was a girl she would name her Nikalina in honor of her memory." I told Lisa as she walked towards my car. "I know she did but she could have named her that because she cared and loved mom like a mom...they were best friends after all." Lisa said looking down I nodded.

"I know" I said getting into my car and leave Sol's propriety for the night.

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