Chapter Eleven -The Show

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After watching Jane the Virgin I'm glad I choose him for Alejandro! Lol

It was tough but thankfully Nina was a head of her game. She had drawings of flower girls dress already drawn and colored. She's like me when she has an idea she works till all the idea is out of her mind. And I can't deny she's like Mason, she has his dedicated work ethics. We review and trial and error. And spend all Sunday picking fabrics and beads and flowers to accommodate the dresses and Monday After School hours before the show...we made them. With the Help of 5 of my personal friends who were designers in my company and with 5 girls about the same size as Nina.

Nina wanted to be part of the show but she was too stage fright to set foot and I'm ok with that I don't want her expose to the light of stardom. She's too little still....she's ma baby!
"The girls are ready for tonight they walked the runway with the model brides." Flor announced as she walked into my office "and your car is ready to take you and Nina Home."she said as she dropped some files on my desk and sat down in front of me.

"Ok business mode off" she said doing some yoga pose I think it was. Called the rising sun I don't know, "ok yoga women." I said giggling "whats up?"
Flor gave me the straight serious eye. "are you nervous about the revelation tonight? " I nodded "I am it will be the first time since Nina was born that I show my face in the Fashion world again." i said looking down Flor nodded. "I know...but you'll rock it in your new black pumps." she said smiling. "that I will since the camera's will be on me...i'll be looking fabulous next to my husband." I said gathering my notebook and the papers Flor dropped on my desk. "We better get going only two hours more." I said as I had her call Nina from the other room. Nina ran in smiling. "ready mama!" she said as she ran to the elevator.

"Hurry Flor you need to hurry up too." Nina said carrying her back pack and drawing book. "Ok I'm coming mini boss" flor said giggling as the elevator doors open and we walked in. And headed down. "mama be sure to smile when you get on stage i don't want you to look like those sad ladies on tv and their pointy noses!" I couldn't retain the laughter and nodded. "Ok little love"

The elevator doors open and into the car we went and heading home we were. Tonight is going to be a long night and the highlight as well.

Mason's POV

"But I don't want to go to the damn fashion show Elizabeth!" I shouted as I angrily tied my tie. "well you have too your expected and you promised we would go...and you promised your family." Elizabeth said, rolling my eyes I huffed and walked away from her.

"Why are you so angry at me!'s because of her isn't it! Mason Michealson you have been divorced from that women for 7 years can you please for the love of God forget about her." I didn't bother to answer her I just turned away from her and finished tying my tie.

I took a deep breath I wasn't angry at Elizabeth, fashion shows reminding me of Malia ,Bridal gowns reminding me of the day I lay my eyes on her. It was where my love for her was born she's my first real love why would I be angry about going. psh bit of course everyone expects me to be happily in love with my no yet fiancé. Happy to show that I have moved on. Brain wise yes heart wise no. That thought of her betrayal turns off the heart and empowers the brain.

An angry Elizabeth walked out with me to the Red Bugatti without a word....good for her.

Arriving at the fashion show cameras snapped and flashes flashed as if we were on a red carpet. To what my sister said La Italiana Lina was a successful and high quality fashion brand. Successful but no one knows who is the owner. Elizabeth said that the owner is a very private person and dosen't like the spotlight. The owner sent her an invite as well that she was for my family. I found it strange but then again not really a powerful family at a fashion is good

It was 7:30 already and when Elizabeth and I left for the show. When the car arrived at the location cameras flashed in our faces as we got out of the car. Walking inside we talked to interviewers who all asked the same question "do you know who the owner is." and every time we answered "NO" it was irritating,

Strange enough we were invited at the last minute sorta we were seated with a great view of the stage. It wasn't long till the music started and the linghts dimed down and other lights flashed and the Master of Cermonies walked on to the stage thanking everyone for their arrival. The fashoin show started with the personal assistant presenting the dresses and clothes. The designers have talent but there were some designs that looked similiar in style.

"La Italiana Lina has a new bridal line for bride and flowergirl!"

Elizabeth took my hand and squeezed it, i think that was another of her crazy hints to marry her.

"The Line is one of a kind and created by mother and daughter....Now I shall welcome the designer and owner, but the daughter isn't here its a school night." the audience laughed as the lights centered staged as the center stage and out came.....oh my god

My Ex-Wife.

The crowds stood up and applaud, while my family, my sisters and brother plus my father looked at the stage with shock. Elizabeth stayed seated and looked up at me. I was staring on the stage directly at her as she gracefully walked onto the stage and was welcomed and greeted by the models and her assistant.

Malia walked up to the podium and looked over the croweds and our eyes met. I know our eyes met she always smirked when we did. Ever since we started dating. She looks down at the podium and smiles.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming to La Italiana's first fashion show here back in the states. Its good to finally surface out of the shadow and back into the world of design I have dedicated my life to."

She looks so beautiful and gracefull. Blonde suites her.

" As my best friend and assistant Flore has announced this Bridal design was designed by myself and my daughter Nina."

Nina that name sounds familiar.

"I have kept myself hidden and out of the light for my children but it was time to come back out. So I would love to thank everyone for coming and thank my extraordinary team of designers within my company they are all truly talented." she said

She's so much more confident...children? Plural! Did they!!

My train of thought was broken when I saw Alejandro behind her with a huge bouquet of flowers. The audience awed well some did. Malia turned around and smiles at him as she kisses him and takes the flowers smiling at each other.

"Ladies and Gentlemen my husband and Rock Alejandro Posada." She announced.

Rock! I'm her Rock!!

"Mason! Let go of my hand!" Elizabeth Sneered at me. I looked down at our hands and let go "sorry" i said without even looking at her. I looked back at her as they together smiled at th audience and announced a major annoncment Alejandro spoke up. "My wife and I would like to thank everyone for coming. Malia has been working hard in the shadows for so long I'm beyond thrilled that she's shining like presitages designer she is. We have been married for almost eight years and I have watched her rise from the ashes she was left in. she became my heart and soul and life has been extrodinary with her and to the years to come. Watch her rise higher in her passion for art and design. And for the reason my Wife and I have started to establish and build two art and design school for the youth."

And then the audience started to applaud again and that was it they thank everyone again and wished everyine a good night as the models walked down the run way. Last Malia and her "Rock" walked down together walking it in black typical and waved and bowed and turned around walking back to leave. She saw us cause her expression shifted but she looekd away and she was gone.

I left in silence my father tried to talk to me but i ignored him. But the old man has his ways. "Mason pull yourseld togther son shes happy with someone else...forget about her." he knew me well to well. When mom died of cancer he took her place of comfortor the role that my mother had while he was working the family empire.

"Mom I wish i had your advice." I thought to myself, nodding at my father."he was right after all."

Im thinking of a new cover....hmmmm what do you guys and ladies think about the current cover?

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