Chapter 1

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As the only photographer for a large company owned by Lionel Shabandar you always had to be ready for the unexpected and be ready to travel to any location in London. Today was no different. You checked your emails to find Lionel wanted a photo of himself for a back of a book. You frowned. You were not a portrait photographer, preferring structure and architecture. You emailed your manager back, reminding her what you are trained in.

You sighed and went over to grab some water. You remembered back to A level photography, you flunked portraiture and got a D for that part of the course.

Going back to the laptop you read what the managed said. Lionel's original hired photographer had to cancel and you are the only one available at short notice. You sighed and accepted, at least you would get a bonus for doing this. It was booked tomorrow 10:30 so between that you started researching the best ways to take portrait photos and the best techniques. You wanted to make sure it was perfect so you could impress Lionel and maybe get a raise and keep your job. You knew Lionel's standards where high and you were glad you were naturally gifted to architectural photography, however, portraiture was another question intirey.

You put together your camera, camera stand. You had no lights which worried you but he had booked out a studio so you hopped they had lights if not then natural light would work.

You finished researching so you grabbed a noddle pot and flopped down on your couch to watch TV to get your mind off your worry. You made sure your cameras were charged. You would bring both of your cameras just in case something went wrong. You just hopped tomorrow would be okay.

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