Chapter 2

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You woke early and got your stuff ready. Grabbing some coffee and a danish pastry you quickly had them and left your house, walking toward the studio that Lionel had hired. Thankfully it was a short walk and seeing as you didn't have a car it meant less time carrying your kinda heavy equipment. 

Getting to the place you went in, told them who you were and went into the studio. Your worst nightmare, there was no lights. You went back to the workers and asked, apparently photographers brought there own. You sighed, bullshit. To make it even worse, before you could plan what to do Lionel appeared. He wore a dark suit and his hair was swept back on his head, he looked around and went toward you. "(y/n)?" he asked, flashing a smile.

"Yeah that's me" you said grinning, putting your hands behind your back.

"I want this to be as quick as possible" he said, walking into the studio.

"Of course" you said. "I wouldn't want to waste your time"

"Quite" he muttered and sat on a bench.

"There is a tiny problem, just about the lighting sir" you murmured.

"What about it?"

"There is none" you murmured. "But I have an idea" Lionel raised his eyebrows and folded his arms. "So just like lean on the window, yeah" he did as you said and you brought the camera in front of him. "What is this book about sir?" you asked.

"It is an autobiography" he muttered.

"The tone?" you asked.

"I don't know" Lionel muttered. "it's descriptive and goes into my successes as a businessman"

"Okay" you murmured. "Could you cross your arms, still leaning, then we can wait just a second for the light." You waited, poised and took a photograph. It looked good and you took a couple more. "Do you want it black and white or colour?"

"Black and white" he said.

"Okay, I will take some close-ups of your face and then some more full-body ones."

The shoot went well, he seemed to relax and the natural light of the rising sun worked really well. After around an hour you smiled and counted around forty different photos.

"Done" you said and grinned.

"Lovely" he murmured. "Email me when they are edited black and white and I will choose"

"Of course" you said smiling.

Lionel nodded and pushed his hair back, he smirked and walked out of the room. 

You sighed, it had gone better than expected and your heart was slowing down. You grabbed all your equipment and stuffed them together before heading home. You watched some TV while the photos transferred onto your laptop and then you looked through them. Wow, Lionel is really hot. All the photos showed Lionel off, he was perfect for the camera especially his eyes which were beautiful. 

 You went through editing them, you couldn't help yourself staring though and it took editing 10x longer. Slowly you compiled all the images and sent them to Lionel, suggesting two of your favourites. You sighed and closed your laptop, turning on your TV again you watched trash while scrolling through toktik. 

Your phone vibrated. Unkown number. "Hello, (y/n) speaking" you said, picking it up.

"(y/n) this is Lionel" the man said down the line

"Oh, Sir, what do you need?"

"In all honesty (y/n) I am stuck" he said. "Between the two images, you suggested"

"They both show you off in a different way" you said and hummed. The first image was a close up of his face, with a beam of light on one side creating Rembrandt shadow. The other while was a full-body image of him leaning against a white wall. You opened your computer again and thought. "Why not the first?" you asked. "It brings the attention of the looker and it shows you off well"

"Then that is what I will choose" Lionel said. "It is sent to the publishers"

"I am so glad" you said smiling. 

"I am also giving you a payrise for your good work" he said, 

"Thank you so much sir" you exclaimed.

"Do not get too exited" he said calmly "If I need another image of me you are the one to do it"

"That's fine sir" you said. "Thanks so much for the opitunity"

Lionel grunted and put the phone down. You grinned, you could buy new equipment like lights. 

You wondered what Lionel thought of you, just another photographer or something more? You had found editing these images how handsome Lionel was and you couldn't wait to take more images of him. He had the right body and face to pull the camera in and capture the viewer in his handsome gaze. You knew you had no chance. But a person can dream can't they.

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