First House Guest

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Chapter Five

Kaelani Bear Eden

When I had suggested to give Orion a ride home. I never thought we would end up back at my house.

Having someone over felt weird. Even though it had only been a day since we had moved in. I felt strangely protective of our home.

Not wanting someone who might damage our home coming in. Not saying that Orion would destroy our basically empty home, but I had just met her.

And sometimes the things she would say, as well as the others - would kind of throw me off.

But they were friendly. And they welcomed me with open arms.

"This view is gorgeous Kaelani." Orion breathed out leaning on the balcony railing as she smiled out to the view.

The sun had began to set making everything look calm and romantic.

With the oranges and pinks turning into a dark lavender. Rubbing my fingers I resisted the urge to sketch the shadows the sunset was setting.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked clearing my throat.

Nodding she turned back to me. "I'll go with." Together we walked back down the stairs. Orion glancing at the wall with frames of pictures Juni had set up this morning.

"Are these your parents?" She asked pointing at a picture of mom and dad on their five year anniversary.

Pausing I nodded smiling softly at them. Both wrapped in each other's arms. Caught in each other's love, their presence. Mom was laughing her eyes crinkling at the sides, her midnight black hair loose letting the wind play through it.

Dad on the other hand was just staring down at her, his eyes bright with adoration. His lips curled up into a side smile, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

It was my favorite picture. I hadn't been able to look at this picture since they had passed. It still pained my heart to see them so carefree and happy in a picture knowing they were forever gone.

But the tears never came, just the small clench in my heart.

"Your mothers gorgeous. You look so much like her." Orion smiled before moving down the stairs her eyes still wide looking at the pictures of our childhood.

My breathe caught once a familiar picture peaked in the middle of the wall.

I could recognize that sunset picture. I had clutched that frame to my chest for weeks.

Why would she hang this up?

How could she do that!

"So, Orion should I change my outfit for tonight or anything? I've never been to a bonfire. I mean I have but it was always a family outing thing and we would always swim before hand then warm up by the fire. But I doubt this is anything like that. Because I mean it's at night and unless your family is strangely into swimming at night - not that your family is weird.... if they're into that kind of thing...." I trailed off blushing as Orion stared at me.

Laughing she shook her head jumping down the remaining stairs.

"Just wear what you have on right now. I'll do your make-up and then we can go." Nodding I breathed out a sigh of relief that she hadn't glanced at the picture.

Rushing down the rest of the stairs I led her into the kitchen.

"We don't have much since we've just moved in but we have water and orange juice."

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