Going Mad

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Chapter Eight

Kaelani Bear Eden

"I-I'll be o-outside!" My cheeks burned and my mouth felt like I had cotton balls. But as the words slipped from my lips so ungraceful - I couldn't move away from him.

It seemed like my brain was shouting at me to move. To get away from him. He was dangerous to me, to my mind and to my heart.

But my foolish heart. Basked in the warmth of Tobias Lupo. His arm had wrapped around my shoulder, laying on my collarbone. His fingertips brushing my shoulder that had become bare as my jacket slipped down.

I couldn't move, my body rejected any thought of me moving away from his warmth.

My mind began to haze with the stinging sensation that was buzzing every inch of my skin that was connected to his.

Until the only part of me that was begging for me to get away from him was my brain.

I tried to remember why I wanted to stay away.

Why I needed to.

But the only thing I could focus on was, breathing.

Keep breathing.

Keep his skin on mine.

My body humming in pleasure every time he drew on my shoulder with his fingertips.

Kaelani stop this! Now! Remember!

A moan of pain shot through my head making me hunch over and move away from Tobias' hold.

I could register faintly how my body felt like I had ripped away from his warmth. It made my body ache and crave him to hold us tight.

But as the pain in my head went away, I remembered.

I felt as if my face was battling between burning in embarrassment or becoming pale at the horrifying truth.

I liked Tobias, Willow's boyfriend.

"Hey. You okay?" Stumbling away from Tobias. Who wore a similar reaction as my own.

I turned back to the Thrift Employee. Giving him a wavering smile I pulled my jacket shut. Zipping the large jacket to cover where Tobias had traced. Where he had left me with a burning sensation.

"I'm o-okay. Just this, um, this headache." I faintly chuckled trying to cough up the emotions that were beginning to tighten in my throat.

What had his touch done to me?

"I've got some Advil in my car. Do you want some?" His brows pulled together in worry. He began to move towards me, his pad of paper thrown to the desk - that would soon be mine.

"No. She's good." Tobias stepped between the two of us. His tall frame sheltering me from the guys' intense glare.

"I think she needs something for her headache. She looks like she's in real pain." He scoffed trying to pass Tobias.

"Tobias!" My eyes widened as Tobias shoved the guy across the room. Pushing his side, I managed to squeeze through. Rushing to the guys side.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry! I - he- oh my God..." Running my fingers through my hair, I tried to help him sit up from his crumpled position on the floor.

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