Stephen Farris

416 37 7

i adored you before i laid my eyes on you .....
now i just can't take my eyes off you

Chapter Thirteen

Kaelani Bear Eden

"Lani, it's only for a week." Juniper sighed grabbing my overnight bag from the corner of my room. "I don't want to go Juniper, please don't make me go." I begged keeping my eyes on my pale pink comforter.

"It's not up to me anymore Kaelani." Her voice grew thick with annoyance as she crossed her arms. "You're my guardian - it is up to you!" I groaned angrily standing onto my feet. Huffing I threw open my closet doors, pulling out my converse.

"Not in this town. We have to follow rules." She hissed glaring at me as I slammed my closet door shut.

"Now stop acting like a little brat." She growled her jaw ticking in anger.

"What she means to say is that Missy can help you more than we can. And we are doing this for your own good Lani-Bear."

"My own good!" I scoffed pulling on my shoes. "You're sending me to a house full of witches! Full grown witches that don't like me!" Ariel frowned looking at Juniper with a raised brow.

"She managed to learn the veritatem spell, while we were away." Juniper grumbled rubbing her forehead. "While Willow was here? You taught her a spell?" Rolling my eyes I shook my head.

"No, I'm not stupid Ariel, I have been trying to get it down for days now. And thank goodness it worked or I would have stupidly walked into the lions fucking den!" I shouted.

Seconds of silence later I looked away from the shocked stares of my sisters. With matching wide hazel eyes.

"I- I'm sorry."  Quickly walking to Juniper I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. Rushing down the stairs I let out a shocked scream as I slammed into someones arms.

"Whoa there Kaelani." The guy laughed his arms trailing from my arms to my waist, making me blush.

"Stephen?" I breathed out staring wide eyed at the boy who was currently smirking down at me. His fingertips rubbing my hips.

"I see I took your breath away." He joked wiggling his brows.

"Funny." I awkwardly laughed moving out of his hold. I didn't like him holding me. I felt wrong as if him holding me meant I was betraying someone else. Someone who had held me so intimately not even two hours ago.

Shaking the thoughts of Tobias out of my mind, I instead focused on the guy who was rubbing the back of his neck as he began to speak.

"I'm sure you have questions."

"You can say that..." Rubbing my fingertips I glanced at the stairs half hoping my sisters would come to my rescue.

"I'm Stephen Farris - Missy's younger brother." He cringed as my eyes widened and I began to back away from him.

"Missy sent me to pick you up! I'm not like the other witches in the clan, I promise." His arms shot out, wrapping around my waist once more pulling me into his chest.

Slapping his hands away, I groaned in pain as Kai uttered some words - they were hushed and spoken quickly but they were dark. I could feel the warmth and the trail of ice as the dark  magic oozed out of my body and around the room.

"Kaelani!" Snapping my eyes open my eyes met Juniper's terrified gaze as she rushed down the stairs. "Stop it Kaelani!" She shouted kneeling down to the floor grabbing Stephen's head and shielding it from my view.

Please Kai, don't do this!

I begged grabbing ahold of my head I shut my eyes trying to connect with him, make him feel my fear at what he was making me do.

"Ariel, do it now!"

"Somno!" Pain erupted from within my body as Kai fought through the magic Ariel was throwing at me.

"Make it stop." I begged clutching onto my head as they continued to throw magic at one another - light and dark. Stephen's groans of pain and Junipers chanting as she tried to ease his pain.

All at once it stopped, I could hear my heart beat erratically in my chest.

"Take her to my car. I'll deal with this." I could hear Missy order someone. Seconds later I was engulfed in familiar arms.

Without opening my eyes I knew who it was. "Theo." I whimpered clutching onto his t-shirt.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you." He reassured me as he let me ball his shirt in my fists - tremors of pain slowly rolled out of body. The magic was slowly leaving my body - the dark magic hurting more as it stripped away from my body.

I'm sorry ...

Whimpering I hid my face in Theo's neck, as if it would hide me from him, from Kai.


Misaka Farris

"You shouldn't have touched her Stephen." I scolded him as my finger grazed his temples. My fingertips warming as my magic soothed away the damage of Kai's dark magic.

"How was I supposed to know that she would freak out." He hissed in pain as a knot of the dark magic stripped away from his soul.

"She is like a child right now - her memories are not what she thinks they are. And Kai, her brother," Sighing I looked over at a sleeping Kaelani, who was wrapped securely in Theodore's arms. Both were snoring softly as I worked on my own idiot brother.

"He wants to protect her, anyway possible. He know's who you are and what you possibly might mean to Kaelani. He doesn't like it."

"You mean he wants me to fight the ancestors and not take her as my bride?" He scoffed pushing my hand away.

"He isn't a part of our clan brother. He doesn't see tradition like we do. Neither does Kaelani." 

"But ... she is mine, always has been. We have been reincarnated through all of eternity. She has always been mine Missy." His voice dropped staring at Kaelani with eyes that bared his soul. He loved this version of her just as much as he had loved the previous one.

If only he knew what the gods had thrown at them.

If only he knew that his love was also the King's soul mate.

What had the gods done?

Author's Note:

Holy Hell! Did I just drop a major cliffhanger? I think I did! And I'm sorry but boom there it is! What do you think this means? Team Stephen? Team Tobias?

I'm Team Theodore. I just love him! But 'sigh' I have other plans for him.

Anywho, I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys a little something, Hope you all enjoyed!
Please comment and share your thoughts I really love hearing from you guys. I know it might not seem like it since I haven't responded to some. But it's been hard to sit and write. I've just enrolled in college and on top of that i've been promoted to SL at work so I have a bunch of tests i have to pass there.

But it will hopefully get easier!

Love you all xoxo

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