The Broken Spell

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How can I sleep if I don't have dreams?
I just have nightmares.

How can it be?
I still believe something is out there.

-The Neighbourhood, Staying Up

Chapter Nine

Kaelani Bear Eden

"Kaelani... wake up... WAKE UP!"

My eyes flew open blinking away my grogginess. I frowned feeling my damp tank top stick to my chest, my legs were trapped- tangled in my blankets. And my chest heaved trying to take greedy breathes.

"Lani?" Ariel murmured cradling my flushed cheeks into her palms. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. What happened?" I winced hearing my voice crack and strain. I could feel the familiar rawness like I had been crying or screaming.

"You had a nightmare. Don't you remember?" Her brows furrowed. Her fingertips wiped away stray tears before she pulled her hands back to her lap.

Shaking my head I sat up, scooting up until my back hit my headboard. "No."

Ariel's eyes darkened and her face screwed up before turning away from me. Her curly brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, shielding her face from my view.

"I'm sorry Ariel. I know This is getting old." I sniffled rubbing my fingertips as I stared at the curly mess of a wall between us.

Her hair was tangled like she had been tossing and turning in bed. Her grey tank top and pink pajama shorts were also crooked and tugged.

I hadn't been the only one with a nightmare.

"No sweetie. It's okay. I just -" turning back to me, I could see her Hazel eyes fill with unshed tears. "We all lost Kai, and- and I feel like I'm going to lose you too Lani." She sobbed covering her lips with her perfectly manicured fingers.

"No." Scooting over I enveloped her in my shaking arms. "I'm sorry Ariel. I'm so sorry." I mumbled. I could feel her thin arms squeeze tighter.

"No I'm sorry Lani. We-I - it's going to be so much once- I'm sorry." She buried her head into the crook of my neck taking uneven breathes before pulling away.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Elle. I'm being selfish, I know." Rubbing my fingertips I looked at my sister.

Her cheeks were flushed, eyes wide, tired and red, and her small lips were pulled into a frown.

"I wasn't the only one who lost them. We all did." As I said the words, Ariel's face screwed up in pain.

"I promise I'll try. It's the least I can do." I sighed looking around my dark room.

"I love you Kaelani. Don't ever forget that." Kissing the top of my head she stood up. Slipping on her slippers she gave me one last smile before leaving my room.

What had I been dreaming about?

Looking down at my pajamas, I grimaced in disgust.

Peeling off the tangles of sheets I stumbled out of my bed.

A shiver ran up my body, as I opened my balcony doors. Breathing in the early spring day's air a smile graced my lips.

The sky was still dark, with the Stars slowly blending out of view. All I could hear was the ocean waves crashing onto the shore and the rustling of the trees.

"Good morning." I breathed out to myself. Knowing that I wasn't going to go back to bed anytime soon.

Wrapping my arms around myself I walked out onto the cold air, a shiver shook my body.

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