Chapter 5

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A warm hand stroked Sabine's bare stomach. She opened her eyes to stare up at Dax. Before she could even form a coherent thought, he bent down and kissed her. Her eyes automatically closed again, and she tasted his lips and the herbal concoction on his tongue. His hand lowered to her hip and he deepened the kiss, sliding his leg in between hers.

It had been a long time since she'd kissed him like this. Need and desire welled within her, but something tugged at the edge of her memory. There was a reason they hadn't been intimate in months, but with his power trailing over her skin in the same pattern as his hand, it didn't seem terribly important.

Someone pounded on the door, but Dax ignored it and slid his hand up under her shirt to cup her breast. She broke their kiss and pressed her hands against his chest. "Someone's looking for you, Dax."

"I'm busy," he murmured and kissed her again.

Her lips curved against his mouth. His single-minded determination at trying to seduce her was a character trademark. She ran her hands up his bare chest and encircled his neck. He groaned and pulled her even closer.

Whomever was outside pounded on the door again. "Dax, we have news about Terrance."

Sabine froze as her memory flooded back.

Dax muttered a curse. "What are the chances you're willing to forget what you just heard?"

"Bastard," she hissed, digging her fingers into the injury in his abdomen.

He shouted a colorful oath and pulled back enough for her to escape. She didn't bother checking to see if he'd disarmed her. It would have been the first thing Dax would have done. Scrambling out from underneath him, she grabbed a glass from the nightstand and threw it at him.

"Dammit, Sabine!" he shouted and rolled off the bed.

He made a grab for her, but she dove away and grabbed a glass bottle containing some of her herbs. She held it up, prepared to throw it. "Where are my weapons?"

He tackled her, and they crashed into the desk, breaking it apart. "Not until you calm down!"

She jerked her knee up in a cheap shot, and he grunted, allowing her to escape once again. Grabbing part of the broken desk, she reared back and brought it down over his head. It broke apart, splintering in her hand. Dax had always had a hard head. "You drugged me, tried to seduce me, and now you think I'm going to calm down? I'll cut you to pieces, you manipulative piece of garbage."

Dax roared. He leapt to his feet and slammed her into the wall, the force enough to steal her breath. He grabbed her wrists and yanked them over her head, angling his body to pin her against the wall. Sabine narrowed her eyes, preparing to unleash her remaining magic on him. He'd taken quite a bit already when she'd subdued him earlier, but she always kept some in reserve.

"Your weapons are locked in the chest," he admitted, accurately guessing he'd pushed her too far this time. "You can't blame me, Sabine. You're a pain in the ass to try to keep safe. I should have refused your Beastman when he first brought you to me and made you beholden to me instead."

She hesitated, holding back her power at the mention of Balkin. The agreement Dax had made with Balkin had saved her life more times than she could count, but like so many other promises, this one harbored a jagged edge. Dax swore a blood oath to Balkin to protect her. In return, Balkin had demanded she regularly exchange power with Dax, tempering his demonic energy to allow him to live freely aboveground. They owed Balkin a blood debt for saving their lives, so they'd agreed to his terms. In truth, she and Dax had needed each other to survive here in the city.

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