Chapter 9

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Malek rested his hands on the edge of the table while he studied the sketches scattered on top of it. Dax had managed to steal drawings of some of the artifacts discovered in a recently excavated catacomb underneath Akros. One of them was particularly promising. Most of these items appeared to be from the time before the Great War, but he wasn't certain if they were the magical objects he sought. Even if they weren't, a seer might be able to use them to locate other items that had been created around the same time. It was imperative he locate the artifacts used to seal the portal more than a millennium ago.

Dax stood on the opposite side of the table, along with Javyn and a few others from Dax's crew. The demon still believed Malek was simply seeking valuable items for some unknown client, and Malek had no intention of correcting his assumption.

Malek straightened and gestured to the drawings. "I'm willing to offer you one chest of gold for each item you're able to acquire, provided they're authentic, of course."

Dax crossed his arms over his chest. "Two chests of gold, and another one filled with gems from the dwarven mines." He leaned forward, his eyes flashing silver before he gave Malek a sly smile. "Or I'm willing to accept one chest of gold and Sabine's mark."

Javyn frowned at Dax but remained silent. No one else had any reaction, which led Malek to believe Javyn knew why Dax wanted the mark transferred to him.

Malek's jaw clenched. The price Dax demanded was more than he was willing to pay. He wasn't about to turn over Sabine's mark to the demon.

"One chest of gold and one chest of precious gems for each artifact you acquire. Sabine's mark is mine." He pushed away the sketches. "There's no guarantee these items are the ones I'm seeking."

Dax leaned back and studied the mark on Malek's wrist, his expression calculating. Malek narrowed his eyes. If Dax attempted to use Sabine as further leverage in these negotiations, he might be inclined to pin the demon to the ground and rip out his throat. The warding medallion around his neck warmed against his skin.

"Do we have a deal?" Malek prompted.

"You may keep Sabine's mark for now," Dax replied with a trace of amusement in his tone. "The deal is set at one chest of gold and one chest of gems for each artifact we recover."

Forcing himself to relax his shoulders, Malek asked, "When can I expect delivery?"

"The first of these items will be collected tonight. Delivery will be made to you upon receipt of payment. We're still locating the other artifacts. They've been moved to other locations within the city, although we have reports some may have been transported farther south."

Malek paused, wondering if the message Dax had sent to Sabine was related to acquiring the artifact. If she was instrumental in Dax's efforts to locate the items, perhaps he might be able to convince her to help him without the demon's involvement. Keeping his expression neutral, he spoke over his shoulder, "Levin, make the arrangements. I want the chests for the first artifact delivered by morning."

"I'll make sure it's done," Levin replied.

Dax's lips curved upward, his expression a little too smug. The demon was up to something, but as long as Malek got what he'd come for, he didn't give a damn what games Dax played.

Dax called over to Javyn, "Tell everyone to gear up. We're leaving in less than an hour."

Javyn nodded and started issuing orders to the people who had been standing around watching the negotiations. It appeared to be a rather large undertaking, including at least a half-dozen people. More than a few of them had some trace of magical abilities, but Malek couldn't tell how much or what kind of powers they possessed. The warding necklace he wore caused too much interference, but at least it still worked to mask his secret.

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