Chapter 8

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A bell chimed in greeting as Malek pushed open the door to Esmelle's shop. The magical ward protecting the shop tickled his skin and heated his necklace, but he ignored it, recognizing it was only to prevent anyone from entering who may intend harm.

The store was busier than he expected, and a couple of the customers glanced over at him briefly before turning back to the shelves they were browsing.

Bottles of liquids and dried herbs lined the shelves on the walls, while plants in various stages of drying were tied to racks overhead. A fire crackled cheerfully in the fireplace, and several candles were placed around the room, providing a cozy atmosphere. An older woman was seated in an overstuffed chair by the fireplace sipping from a steaming cup, a teapot on the table next to her.

Rather than the cold and dank atmosphere he'd experienced in some other witches' shops, this entire store felt more like a warm and inviting home. It only elevated his opinion of Esmelle. She obviously didn't need the traditional trappings to encourage business.

The woman he'd met the day before flitted around the shop, smiling and laughing with customers. Esmelle was once again wearing bright and vivid colors, and she smiled as she handed one of her customers a small cloth pouch. "Add a small pinch of this mixture to your bath water. You'll be feeling better in no time."

"Bless you, Esme," the elderly woman said, clutching the bag tightly to her chest. "I thank the gods every day for bringing you to Akros. I don't know what we'd do without you."

Esmelle beamed a smile at her and walked the old woman to the door. "You know it's always a pleasure to have you visit me, Lenore. But next time, I hope it's just because you'd like to share a cup of tea."

"Oh, I'll be back soon enough. You couldn't keep me away."

Esmelle closed the door behind the woman and turned to face Malek. Her eyes twinkled in amusement. "I was told a handsome ship captain might be visiting my garden today."

Malek chuckled. "Oh?"

"Mm-hmm." She gestured toward a door at the back of the shop. "I think you'll find my garden quite... fascinating. There are all sorts of lovely flowers and a few poisonous ones. You might want to step lightly."

Before he could respond, Esmelle swirled away in another wave of color and toward another customer. Malek grinned and headed for the heavy wooden door. This time, when he opened it, there was no sensation of the warding, which led him to believe it also encompassed the garden area. But what he hadn't been expecting was the explosion of colors and scents permeating the air.

The garden was a wonder with almost every type of flower and plant imaginable. He paused, unable to do anything but take in the sight of the unusual oasis in the middle of the disreputable city. It reminded him of the gardens from home, especially the one that had been lovingly tended by his grandmother for years until she'd passed away. He'd never thought to see their equal again.

Malek took a few steps on the cobblestone path and then halted as a furious buzzing noise rapidly approached. He turned to see a tiny man wearing a pair of overalls flying in his direction. The small pixie wielded a miniature spear and brandished it in his direction.

"Halt! State your purpose, stranger."

The high-pitched sound of other voices could be heard, and Malek caught sight of several other pixie faces peering at him from the foliage. Making an effort to keep the smile off his face, he held up his hands. "My name is Malek. Sabine's expecting me."

"Sabine? You must have the wrong garden. There's no pixie named Sabine here. Begone," the pixie sneered, still waving his weapon threateningly.

"Hush, Barley!" A tiny female pixie flew out from underneath a large leaf. Her bright-yellow dress put him in mind of one of the flowers gracing the garden. She darted close to him, looking him up and down curiously. "Don't mind Barley. Sabine put him in charge of defending the garden. He takes his job very seriously."

To Kill a Fae - A Fantasy RomanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя