Chapter 11

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The rest of their trip through the sewers moved swiftly after the initial confrontation. They encountered a few more of Dax's people, but no one else challenged them. If anything, they appeared relieved to know Sabine was being returned to Dax, although a few of them seemed apprehensive about her physical state. She still hadn't regained consciousness, and Malek was starting to get concerned.

Malek followed Bane up a narrow stairway and into a building. He studied the hallway, recognizing the same stonework that was present in the tavern's cellar. It made sense for Dax to have multiple escape routes in the building where he conducted most of his business.

Javyn skidded to a halt in front of them, his eyes wide. "Tell me she's still alive."

"She is, but we need to see Dax immediately," Bane said, continuing to carry Sabine over his shoulder. "Where is he?"

"Probably tearing apart the tavern," Javyn muttered and motioned for them to follow. "I'll let him know she's returned. He won't be pleased to see you, Bane, especially in his current mood."

"Is her old room still vacant?" Bane asked, apparently unconcerned by Javyn's warning.

"Yes. Dax won't allow anyone else to move in there. Can you awaken Sabine? She may be the only one who can calm him down."

Bane shook his head. "I'll handle Dax. But you need to hurry. I can't wake her up again without his help."

Javyn gave him a worried look but nodded and disappeared to another part of the tavern. Malek opened the door to the room Dax had taken her to after he'd drugged her. The shattered bottles had been cleaned up and the broken furniture replaced or repaired. It was as though nothing had ever happened.

Bane placed Sabine on the bed, and Malek frowned. Her face was still too pale, and even her breathing seemed to be labored. Judging by Bane's pinched expression, the demon was also concerned. He'd never thought to see a demon worried about anyone else's welfare, and it surprised him.

Dax entered the room only a handful of heartbeats later with Esmelle running behind him. His eyes were silvered, and he glared at Bane. Demonic magic filled the room, recognizable by the telltale sulfuric scent. "You! You dare come here? In my presence?"

Without waiting for a response, Dax charged toward Bane. The two demons locked horns and crashed into the wall, claws and blades flashing. Esmelle's eyes widened. With a muttered curse, she ran back out of the room. Malek jumped toward the bed, intent on protecting Sabine while the demons fought within the confines of the small bedroom.

Moving at a speed too fast to ever be considered human, they fought with weapons, horns, teeth, and claws. They crashed into the desk, splintering it apart.

"Sabine is mine," Dax roared, trying to connect his claws with the soft flesh of Bane's stomach.

Bane blocked the attack and gripped Dax's horns, shoving him backward against the wall. Malek had the distinct impression Bane wasn't trying to kill his brother, but the same couldn't be said for Dax.

Esmelle ran back into the room with a large pot of water. She tossed it over the two demons and shouted, "Grow!"

The water covering the two demons transformed into a vined plant, pinning them both against the wall. It made them pause long enough to focus on Esmelle standing defiantly in front of them. Malek stared at the redheaded witch in surprise. Such magic was far beyond a witch's normal ability. He'd only thought a Fae or a dryad had the power to transmute water into plants.

Esmelle lowered the pot and put her hand on her hip. "Are you two quite finished?"

Dax scowled and sliced through the vines with his claws. "You dare much, little witch."

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