Chapter 10

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Malek glanced at Sabine. She'd been leaning on him heavily for the past ten minutes, but her usual grace was absent as her steps became even more sluggish. He bent down and scooped her into his arms. She didn't object. Instead, she trailed her fingertips over his chest.

"There's an old temple east of here. We need to get to the burial stones."

He frowned. "What's there?"

Her eyes fluttered shut as she murmured, "A crypt. Tell Edvar to call Bane. He can lead you through the tunnels under the city, but you have to show him..."

Alarm flooded through him as her voice trailed off. He squeezed her gently. "Keep talking to me, Sabine. What do you want me to show him?"

She blinked open her eyes, but they were unfocused. Whatever she had done inside the councilman's home had stolen all her strength. She swallowed. "I won't be able to stay awake much longer. By blood and magic, I release you from the confines of your oath to share your knowledge of what happened tonight with Bane and Edvar."

His brow furrowed. "You want me to tell them everything?"

"They're both sworn to keep my secrets. Show Bane your mark. He won't kill you."

Malek fell silent as her remaining magic settled over him, shifting the confines of his oath so he could reveal her secrets to this other demon. Malek frowned, debating whether to abandon this entire charade. Sabine was exhausted, and he needed to get her to safety. It was tempting to steal her away from the city until she recovered, but she trusted these people. If he had any hope of convincing her to trust him too, he needed to play by her rules for now.

Keeping his voice gentle, he urged, "I'll take care of everything. Just rest."

She nodded and leaned her head against his chest again. He felt her relax in his arms a few minutes later, and he knew she slept. He paused in the alleyway, breathing in her intoxicating scent, and battled his instincts. It was getting more difficult to stay in character the longer he remained in her presence. Now that he'd had a glimpse of the real Sabine, the one hidden underneath layers of intricate glamour, he needed to be even more careful. In his wildest dreams, he'd never expected to find a full-blooded Fae hiding within the city, much less one with her level of power.

Malek continued walking, staying in the shadows and off the streets as much as possible. Except for the maps he'd studied in preparation for his arrival, he didn't know the city very well. The temple she spoke of was deep within the oldest area of the city.

People hadn't worshiped the old gods for centuries. As a testament to their abandonment, the surrounding area was mostly deserted. Moss and vines covered the cobblestone streets, reclaiming the territory. An uneasy chill went through him, and he walked silently, feeling eyes tracking his progress.

The gate surrounding the temple was falling in some areas and completely collapsed in others. A strange stillness filled the night as though even the spirits haunting this place held their breath. He paused and swept his gaze over the area. Someone was definitely watching, but he didn't see any sign of them.

Malek pushed open the gate and headed inside, toward the back of the temple where the burial stones should be located. The giant stone obelisks were scattered throughout the grounds, each one dedicated to a different god. At the rear of the crumbling temple stood two stone figures, a god and goddess, pressing their frozen hands together in a show of solidarity. Magic hung heavy in the air, and Malek ignored the oiliness that coated his skin as the ward around his neck tried to fend it off.

He took a few steps toward the statues and called out, "I know you're there. I have a message for Edvar."

After almost a full minute, a young boy, no more than seven or eight years in age, stepped out from behind a burial stone. In a wavering voice, he whispered, "She's not dead, is she? Did... did you hurt her?"

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