Chapter 13

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Malek kept an eye on Bane as Sabine headed out of the room. The experience of sharing wine with her had been beyond anything he'd expected, and he was still a little disconcerted. As soon as the door closed behind Sabine, Malek got to his feet.

"You didn't tell her," Bane said with a low growl in his voice. He stormed over to the table and snatched up the goblet of wine. Putting it to his lips, he downed the rest of it. A moment later, shock colored his expression and his gaze flew to Malek. "Of all places, she took you there?"

Malek frowned, irritated Bane had been able to intrude on a private moment between them. He didn't know enough about how such magic worked or he would have stopped Bane before he'd touched the goblet.

When Malek didn't say anything, Bane shook his head and stared at the empty cup. "Sabine doesn't share such things lightly, but for some foolish reason, she trusts a dragon. She offered you a piece of herself and you took it, yet you continue to deceive her."

A cold hand gripped Malek's heart. Bane was right, but Malek couldn't regret sharing the experience with her. "It's not my intention to hurt her."

"You will." Bane walked over to a sack in the corner. He grabbed a handful of salt and dumped it in the goblet to break the magic completely. Leaving the salted cup on the counter, he picked up the bottle of wine and put it away. When he was finished, Bane pressed his hands against the counter and lowered his chin to his chest. His voice was quiet when he spoke, and it lacked his earlier anger. "Tell her soon, ship captain. Before she falls in love with you. If it isn't too late already."

Malek didn't respond. There wasn't anything he could say, especially when Bane was right. When Sabine found out who he was, she might not forgive him. He hadn't intended to mislead her, and the longer he waited, the worse it would be when she learned the truth.

Leaving Bane to his thoughts, Malek headed out of the room in the same direction Sabine had gone. The game of chance Dax's crew had been playing was more muted, with each of the players darting surreptitious glances at Dax and Sabine standing in the corner of the room. They were speaking too low for him to hear what they were saying, but their body language made it apparent Sabine had calmed the worst of Dax's anger.

Her hands were pressed against Dax's chest, and she was giving him a teasing smile. In return, Dax gazed down at her with an expression that spoke of a long-shared history and intimacy. The sight, especially after what Malek had shared with her in the kitchen, elicited a sharp pang of jealousy. The dragon within him wanted to yank her out of Dax's grasp.

The warding medallion heated around his neck, warning him to get control of his emotions. Unmindful of Malek's presence or his internal conflict, the demon lifted his clawed hand and trailed the back of it across Sabine's cheek. Such a move could be considered a threat if it weren't for Dax's teasing expression and Sabine's laughter. She wrapped her hand around the demon's wrist, leaning into him and saying something that made the demon chuckle.

The sight was a sharp cry from Dax's response after Malek had revived Sabine. The demon had been furious and out of control, lashing out at everyone and anyone who happened to be nearby. Javyn had suggested Dax might want to take out his aggression on Riven, the man who had betrayed Sabine by selling her location. The resulting screams had lasted for hours and could be heard throughout the tavern and even into the streets. The distraction had offered a brief reprieve for Dax's other men, though, and Malek had tried to keep some distance between himself and Dax since then.

"You joining us for the next game?" Javyn gestured to the empty seat Malek had occupied earlier.

"Very well," he agreed, sitting down while Javyn dealt him in.

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