Ch. 27

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((This chapter will include harassment and abuse. If you are uncomfortable with these subjects, I suggest you don't read this chapter.))

Katsuki's POV:

Yesterday's talk with my friends had left them shocked, and seeing them leave was way harder than I'd expected. At least I knew I could reach out to them whenever I felt like it now, and that was more relieving than anything.

Shōto and I was currently doing some shopping rather late as there normally wouldn't be much people around at such a late hour, but Shōto had to take an important call, so he'd disappeared into one of the bathrooms. I, however, was waiting outside for him to return, walking back and forth as it was getting boring to wait around.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders, a husky voice behind me whispering "Long time no see, baby." into my ear.

I already knew who the voice belonged to, I did even before he proceeded to pin me to the wall right next to us with a smirk on his lips.

I tried to push my cheating asshole of an ex-boyfriend aside, but no matter how strong I was for an omega, I didn't have what it took to make him, an at least equally dominant alpha as Shōto, move.

"Dabi. Let me go." I demanded, my gaze dropping to the floor. I knew I couldn't do anything to protect myself against him.

Dabi didn't seem to have any intentions of letting me go though.

"Don't be so cold, little puppy~" Dabi lifted my chin up, forcing me to meet his vibrant turquoise eyes.

A grimace took shape on his features out of the blue.

"What's up with your scent? No dog collar either..." He mumbled with an annoyed tone in his voice.

He used his grip around my shoulders to make me turn around to face the wall before he jammed me up against it. He managed to hold me there by pressing his palm down on a point below my nape, his other hand travelling to the collar of my jacket.

"Dabi, please stop this... Just release me..! I'm begging you for fuck's sake!"

He ignored my pleads and pulled my collar down to expose my nape.

At first he was silent, but his silence quickly turned into a very unamused chuckle.

I felt his fingertips brush over the scar from Shōto's bite, sending unwanted shivers down my spine.

"So, you've got a mate now, huh? You stubbornly refused to obey me, a dominant fucking alpha, when I ordered you to let me take your collar off and bite you when we were together. I'm kinda hurt now, Katsuki..."

He faked a sigh, then snickered.

"I mean, it is possible for a dominant alpha to steal a regular, or a less dominant alpha's mate by just sinking their teeth into the already mated omega's scar. Did you know that?" Dabi asked with a sudden amusement in his voice.

I felt how my heart dropped. There was a chance Dabi was more dominant than Shōto, and if he decided to actually bite me, I had no idea what the outcome would be.

Despite my desperate attempt to struggle, he easily held me in place.

"Dabi, no! Don't you dare! I'll fucking kill you if you bite me, you cheating, lying psychopath! I'm not joking, I will fucking kill you!" I shouted.

He only seemed to find my words funny rather than threatening as he let out a laugh.

"I'd like to see you try." He whispered, his face suddenly close to my ear.

I felt his lips brush against my scar, his breath tickling my skin.

The absolute terror I felt was indescribable. I didn't want to, no, I couldn't be taken away from Shōto. Nothing in the whole world was more frightening than the thought of losing Akatsuki or Shōto.

"No! Stop! You can't take this away from me! You just fucking can't!"

The tears started to stream down my cheeks as I panicked.

"Tōya!" I screamed out, using his real name to distract him.

He froze for a short moment, then snorted.

"It's a good name, isn't it?" He asked before he sunk his teeth into my scar.

It hurt so fucking much, yet I couldn't process it. My mind was-.. it was just completely blank.

He'd done it... He'd bitten me, and I couldn't do a single thing to prevent him... Shōto; would he ever forgive me? Dabi was probably the only fucking alpha in Tokyo who could possibly win over Shōto in dominance, and he of all alphas, was the one trying to make me his. When Dabi and I were together, I had the collar to protect me, but I'd stopped wearing it thinking I wouldn't need it anymore...

Now, I'd destroyed everything with my naïveté..

Finally it was over, and Dabi released me. I immediately fell to my knees in despair.

"Shōto, Akatsuki.. I'm so sorry..!" I cried, as I buried my face in my hands.

Dabi looked down on me, amusing himself with my pain. He had finally managed break me after all, to get his revenge for me having dumped him back when I'd just turned 22, so he probably enjoyed every second of my misery.

Personally, I didn't think he had any right at all to be angry at me for breaking up with him. He cheated on me and accidentally knocked some pretty-boy up. I knew it all, because that pretty-boy came directly to me to explain it all. As much as I hated Dabi for having broken my heart, I couldn't hate the guy he got pregnant. That guy had guts and I respected him for that.

"What the fuck is happening here, Tōy-..? Wait... Oh my god, you fucking asshole!" A loud, masculine voice shouted behind me, but I was too devastated to look.

Dabi and the other person started to argue. They sounded very close, and their scents were similar, or more like mixed, but the other person was definitely an omega judging by his scent.

Hold on-.. mixed..? That kind of scent; they were undoubtedly mates..! Did that mean-...?

Suddenly, I decided to turn around to take a look.

To my surprise, I was looking at the same guy who'd told me about him being pregnant with Dabi's baby several years ago. He looked back at me, his eyes widening as he recognised me.

"You-..! You're the guy Dabi knocked up!" I exclaimed, feeling hopeful about my future with Shōto and Akatsuki again after learning Dabi already had a mate.

"T- That would be me..! And you're the badass ex who despite being an omega, managed to dump this dumbass dominant alpha of mine in a heartbeat!" He replied with respect in his voice.

He was way friendlier than I'd expected, and I was honestly impressed over how brave he was. He literally had the balls to insult Dabi right to his face.

Dabi didn't seem to mind much either, just taking the insult without moving a muscle.

"Katsuki! I'm sorry it took so long! I was having trouble wi-..."

Shōto entered the chaos, his eyes immediately landing on Dabi's face, not moving in the slightest. Having them both in the same place, I noticed how Dabi and Shōto's scents too, were similar, but not as in mates; more like-

"N-.. Nii-sama..? Is that really you..? There's no mistaking it; you're definitely Tōya...!" Shōto stated with a shocked expression on his face, but not only he was surprised; Dabi analysed Shōto from top to toe, looking horrified.

Dabi cleared his throat. "Who? I think you're mistaking me for someone else." He lied, making it very obvious he was indeed Tōya.

However, that meant Dabi, or Tōya, was Shōto's dead (at least that's what he was supposed to be..) older brother?!

My ex boyfriend and fiancé were fucking brothers?! That was just too much drama for me to handle!

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