Ch. 34: The Final Chapter

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• 22 years post chapter 33 •

Katsuki's POV:

For two years, I'd known I wouldn't be able to survive. I had fought the disease for longer than that, but before I collapsed that day two years ago, I was too stubborn to accept the fact that I was indeed dying; slowly, but surely.

I had been hospitalised ever since the collapse as my disease was so incredibly rare. The very few people who'd ended up with the same disease as me, were all highly dominant omegas. Basically, my dominant cells were killing the recessive ones due to the way too high amount of dominant cells existing in my omega body which was made for having more recessive cells than dominant ones. Since I had two alpha parents, I was actually not supposed to be able to develop into an omega, but something went wrong, and my body, which had the same amount of dominant cells as an alpha, started developing recessive cells as well.

Due to the war between my cells, I was now almost unable to move. It was affecting my heart significantly, my pulse being constantly weak; as low as 27 BPM while awake. Recently, my state had worsened and my pulse had even gone below 20 BPM. I was well aware of the fact that I didn't have many days left now. My lungs were giving up too after all.

"Katsuki... I- I know you've probably given up at this point, but please-.. please don't.. I'm begging you... Hang in there, my love..!"

I could hear the sound of my dear husband's voice, and I managed to slightly open my eyes. I saw how he was crying to his heart's content, grabbing my cold hand.

He'd come to visit me every single day without fail, sometimes he even spent the night sleeping in the chair by my hospital bed.

I felt how my heart started aching, literally, but I ignored the pain.

"Sh-.. Shōto... I-I love y-you.." I managed to utter before the pain in my chest started to become overwhelming, but I couldn't utter a single word as my lungs now refused to take in new air.

"Nurses! He's choking! Please help him!" Shōto shouted as he started panicking.

He didn't leave my side though. Just when he was about to leave to get the nurses, I used all my remaining strength to grab his hand. I shook my head, causing an absolutely devastated expression to take shape on his face.


Soon the sound of footsteps was heard as the nurses hurried over after hearing Shōto desperately screaming for help.

He was shaking unbelievably much, but his hand was so warm and comfortable. I closed my eyes.

Shōto, Akatsuki, Shirayuki, Amaterasu and Nadeshiko... Good bye. I love you all so much. Please forgive me for leaving you so soon; way too soon.

I-.. I don't want to die...

Shōto's POV:


The uninterrupted, monotone sound the heart rate monitor emitted, left me feeling like my blood had completely frozen inside my veins. I couldn't even breathe anymore.

The nurses and a newly arrived doctor hurried over to the hospital bed where Katsuki's now lifeless body was laying. They tried their best to make Katsuki's heart beat, to make him start breathing again, but he no longer showed any signs of life. Things were looking very, very bleak.

I stared at his pale face; his hand, which now was even colder than before, slipping out of my grip. A nurse gently moved me out of the way, blocking my view of Katsuki as they desperately tried to make him come back to life.

Suddenly, my legs gave out, causing me to fall to my knees on the hard, cold floor. I felt how my heart was completely shattered, leaving me with a horrible, unbearable pain inside my chest as the whole situation dawned on me.

Katsuki would never wake up again.

I instantly broke into tears at the realisation, devastatingly crying out his name between my pained sobs.

A world where his life and soul no longer existed, was a world I didn't want to live in. The only thing waiting ahead of me now, was undiminished darkness, pain and loneliness. I'd be living the rest of my life with my mind constantly trapped in a cold, empty void. He was that single vivid presence, which for so many years had brought light into my world. Without him, I'd be nothing.

How could I possibly keep on living when he wasn't by my side anymore? I couldn't even imagine spending the rest of my life without him.

"Todoroki-san..? Can you hear me?" A nurse asked as I was sitting there on the floor, crying my heart out.

I absently nodded, but my eyes were still focused on the same spot as they'd been for an amount of time which I hadn't kept track on; Katsuki's lifeless hand, which was hanging over the edge of the hospital bed.

"I'm terribly sorry to tell you this, but unfortunately, we were unable to save your husband..."

I knew that already, but her confirming his passing only made it even more painful.

With an anguished wail, I hid my face behind my hands, sobbing into my palms.

No pain I'd ever felt before could even be compared to the pain I currently experienced. I was utterly devastated, feeling like the ability to experience any kind of joy again was so very far into the future, if not completely out of my reach.

"Katsuki.. Katsuki... Katsuki..!" I cried as the image of his beautiful, lively crimson eyes and several other lovely memories we'd gotten the privilege to share throughout our time together, flashed through my head.

Suddenly, a very precious memory came to mind.

Katsuki embracing Amaterasu from behind, wearing a radiant, slightly playful grin on his lips as he was surrounded by all our four children.

My lips managed to curl into a small smile as I remembered the absolute happiness I felt that day when I came home from work. I had forgotten about it being my birthday, but when I opened the front door, my whole beloved family were standing in the hallway, all of them shouting "Happy birthday, dad!" in unison.

That memory reminded me of something truly important; even though Katsuki wasn't with me anymore, I wasn't alone. I still had them, our dear children. Both my and Katsuki's most precious treasures in the world. I couldn't leave them yet. I had to keep on living. That was what Katsuki would've wanted for me to do too, so I'd continue to live on for them, and for Katsuki.

I removed my hands from my face and closed my eyes, the smile still remaining on my lips as I imagined Katsuki with a content look in his eyes.

"I won't be joining you just yet, my love, but please wait for me until the day when I'll finally be able to see you again, Katsuki. You can leave the kids to me; I swear I'll stay with them." I promised with a gentle, loving tone in my voice.

Rest in peace, my beloved husband, soulmate and the mother of my children. You're hereby free from all your pain and suffering. Spread your beautiful wings and fly now,
my dear angel.

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