one. dead and buried away

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dead and buried away

one⋇⋆✦⋆⋇↳ dead and buried away ↲

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Something that could be said so easily, yet do significant damage. Words were odd like that.
This one was so minuscule, but brought forth absolute devastation.

The softly uttered line was followed by a sword swinging into a mans neck. An old man who — if I had seen correctly — smiled ever so slightly before having his head severed by Brian's blade.

Smiled because he thought we had reached peace between our two groups.

However, this was anything but peace. Instead of the desired tranquility, his body was rendered cold in mere seconds as he hit the grass below him. As if my eyes were shutters from a vintage film, I watched with choppy vision as thick crimson liquid sputtered and squirted against the grass.

Then came forth the downfall of the community behind the fences. It was sudden, something that neither side was prepared for. At least, something that I was not prepared for, as my gun was now lowered in distress. Cries of anguish pierced the silent moment, erupting the heavy tension between us. Firearms were drawn in an instant, and bullets began planting into anything in their way.

In this moment, my essence felt a tug from the body I bore. I dissociated completely from everything I thought I knew, not even understanding right from left. The only thing I was positively sure of, was that I stood outside of the fences. I was behind the chain links, and I was caught the wrong side of this.

That tug of consciousness clicked like a magnet back into place, and my thoughts were my own once again. Now able to move my limbs, I shifted my weight onto the tattered boots I wore, spinning behind the truck I had previously been aiming my weapon against.

Everything had just been changed in a single moment. Only seconds ago, we had the objective of driving these tainted out people from the prison. Brian explained that they were scum-of-the-earth, and didn't deserve this place like our group did. He said there was no violence needed; unless something were to happen. He promised nobody would be hurt.

𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 | 𝘤. 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now