twenty four. bleeding scars

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twenty four
bleeding scars

twenty four⋇⋆✦⋆⋇↳ bleeding scars ↲

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AT THE EARLY CRACK OF DAWN, sunlight had just barley began reflecting through the window

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AT THE EARLY CRACK OF DAWN, sunlight had just barley began reflecting through the window. The small rays danced through the sheer white curtains, shapes spreading against the walls of my newly assigned room as a loud knocking sound echoed through the hallow home.

It was safe to finally start sleeping in our own houses, Rick had said. That same night, we divided ourselves into two separate homes. We all finally had rooms. Space and drawers to put our growing pile of belongings in, and warm comforting beds of our own.

The split was not easy. Finding out who would stay in which house - it was difficult. There were people I wished to not be parted from on both sides. For instance; Tara, Maggie, and Noah. On opposing sides - Daryl, and Carl (though the boy and I were arguing quite often, I still cared, somehow). So, when it came down to it, I chose what was best for me. The house with the most boxed cereal options. After checking both stocks, my choice landed me a spot in the original house, located just upstairs. Across the hallway from Carl, separated by a bathroom between our rooms. Downstairs housed Rick, Michonne, Carol, and Daryl. The other seven were living only a door down from us.

Rising at the continual banging on the door, I exited my room, discovering Carl to standing near his own door, wondering about the same noise. We looked at one another for only a second, before I parted, setting foot downstairs to open the door.

Scraggly hair, boots without laces, and a leaning stance. It was Daryl.

"You live here." I rubbed my eyes. "You don't have to knock, the doors are always unlocked."

He strung his crossbow onto his back. "Been up for hours."

"Cool? Well, you woke me up, so, i'm going back to bed."

"You've slept enough." He shook his head, "I knew bout' the door, but you needed to get your ass out of bed."

I leaned back. "The sun isn't even fully up. What could you possibly want, this early?"

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