Chapter 13: Tearlip

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He could feel all the air leaving my lungs as he was swatted off the vine and thrown into a wall nearby.

---Adrien's POV---

I didn't hear most of the fight between Julika and Rose, but I'm pretty sure that everyone there caught Rose at the end. The two girls agree on most things and are super close, so fights don't often happen between them. Apparently even when the two are fighting, Julika keeps relativly quiet.

"You're being heartless Julika!"

"Marinette was one of our best friends! Even if what happened with Lila was real, we still have to look for her!"

"Tears were streaming down Rose's face at this point and she stormed away from Julika. 

"Hey Julika are you okay?" I asked making my way over to her.

She never got the chance to respond before a large vine grabbed her and dragged her away from me. People started screaming and pointing to something behind me. I turned around to see who I assumed to be Rose.

Her hair was a deep purple color. Her eyes were inverted with the black and white and her pupils were purple. Her skin was more pink than normal and glowed slightly.  She was wearing a long light green dress, with a dark green cape had a large collar that came up and off her shoulders. She was holding a flower in her left hand.

(A/N behold my amazing photoshop capabilities lol)

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(A/N behold my amazing photoshop capabilities lol)

The flower she was holding began to glow a deep purple and the vines holding Julika brought her to the floor. Getting a closer look, I could see that they were coming from the plants around me.

"We will find her TOGETHER Julika!"

I started running. I always hated this part of an akuma attack, running away from it like I couldn't do anything. But right then, I couldn't. I needed to get someplace where nobody could see me, but I didn't see anywhere that wasn't surrounded by screaming people.

I never thought a search party could be so harmful in an akuma attack, but everywhere I ran there was at least one person there.  Wherever Marinette was, I hoped that she knew that people cared this much for her. 

Turning a corner, I found a single spot where I could transform unnoticed. 


The familiar black leather and mask adorned my skin as I completed my transformation. My cat like instincts came almost immediately after, warning me to move. I jumped out of the way just as a vine swatted at me.

"Meouch! Watch your stuff miss!" I remarked while jumping onto the vine and running up it.

"My NAME is Tearlip and YOU don't get to make your silly puns today kitten!"

"Only Milady gets to call me those PURRty nicknames Tearlip."

"Then lets bring her out!"

I could feel all the air leaving my lungs as I was swatted off the vine and thrown into a wall nearby.

---Marinette's POV---

Dang it! NO no no no no no no. There were vines everywhere with little flowers sprouting from them. They were grabbing everyone who ran away and forced them back into the center of The Eiffel Tower, creating a barricade around it acting like a fence. I had to get out of there fast.

This was bad. If I ran, there was a good possibility of me getting nabbed by one of those vines. That could lead to two possibilities. Me getting stuck and not being able to transform, or me getting revealed and not being able to go back into hiding. Neither was good.

I slowly turned the corner trying not to be noticed. I pulled my hood further down my face and moved so slowly that I may have not been moving at all. The vines didn't seem to notice me so I went a little faster.

I continued backing up till I couldn't see anymore vines, then turned and sprinted to a place where I could be alone. I found a building with a bathroom and dashed inside.

"This is bad Tikki."

"You said it."

Judging by the fact that the people in that group were looking for me, there was a good chance that it was my fault that this happened. It also ment that this was my responsibility to fix.

"Tikki SPOTS ON!"

---Alya's POV---

I didn't see who dashed into the bathroom, but I definitely saw who flew out of it. How lucky was I that Ladybug came from the same direction I was running from. I needed to apologize about what happened the other day while we were fighting about Marinette.

I chased after the super hero that I had looked up to for so long. After all that had happened between us at this point it was still unreal that she was real, let alone that we had actual conversations. 

I chased her back into the area I had just left, only to see her chasing down the akuma. Looking around, I saw Cat Noir fighting the akuma already. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I could guess that it was an awful lot of plant puns.

Ladybug was thrown back towards me. I got a good look at her face for the first time since the akuma thing in my room. She had been upset then, but the look on her face now sent chills down my spine.

It wasn't fear about the akuma, nor was it anger. Both were terrifying to see on your protectors face, but I had seen them before. This was something different. Something that had never before been seen on Ladybug to date. a mix of fear and guilt.

She was crying. I only saw her face for a moment, but I could tell just how upset this akuma made her. Like it was her fault that this had happened. Like she was the sole cause of this akuma's problems.

What was the question on my mind now was, why did Ladybug feel guilty?

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