Chapter 21: Secrets and Visitations

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He wanted to ask her about it, but she was so upset right now. He couldn't make it worse by probing questions that she didn't need to be asked. It wasn't important.

---Marinette's POV---

"You mean you won't tell anyone I'm here?" I questioned Nino. 

"No way dude. You have a lot on your plate clearly, and if this is helping then it's helping. I just need to know that you're good fam."

I was shocked. Nino was one of the people who had been digging around in my personal life after what happened with Lila. Did he have good intentions? Did that even matter?

"Look Marinette. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't stop others from hurting you. You're right. I was being a bad friend. You totally don't have to forgive me if you don't feel like it, but I don't want to be the cause of your pain anymore."

I thought I had completely shut out that part of my life. That I was done with these people who had claimed to be my friends, but Nino was breaking my heart in that moment. A small part of my heart would always have a special place for the guy, even if my head was screaming at me not to trust him.

"Until you're ready for the rest of the dudes, I'll help hide you. As long as you're actually fine here. "

I hugged him. I didn't know what I was thinking, but what he was thinking was more of a mystery to me. I had left them because I thought it was the right thing to do. Now here Nino was, and he actually apologized. He listened to me and apologized.

Nino was THERE and he wasn't screaming my head off about Lila. He believed me. He was on my side and he wasn't going anywhere. Nino, the boy that loved DJing, parties, and Alya's craziness, was here. And he was being completely serious when I needed it the most.

Would he have done that a week ago? A month ago? Did that even matter anymore? No. It didn't. I could tell just how bad he felt in his apology. It was genuine. I still didn't fully trust him, I may never trust him the way I did again, but it was better than nobody.

I mean, I still had Tikki, but she didn't know the full extent of what I went through. She did know more than Nino to be fair, but Nino was a human. Tikki was not. As close as me and Tikki were, there was just a level that she couldn't get through. A part of my life she could never understand. Just as there was a part of her existence that was crazy to me.

Tikki had been around since the start of time. The very beginning. She was immortal. A deity. As amazing as she was, she didn't experience things the same way humans do. Time flows quicker for her. A human life flashes by in the blink of an eye. A relationship ends as quickly as it began to her. 

She could be sympathetic, but not empathetic. Sometimes it was that human empathy that I needed. Don't get me wrong, I love Tikki and she loves me. That doesn't mean that I don't need more support than she could give me. 

"Thank you Nino. It may be a while though."

"Take all the time you need. I won't be leaving you like that again. Not if you need me."

---Nino's POV---

I still didn't fully understand. It was clear that Marinette was still hesitant to trust me, and I couldn't blame her. How long exactly did it take for Lila to turn us against Marinette? A few minutes? After years of knowing her we didn't even check the rest of the messages.

"Take all the time you need. I won't be leaving you like that again. Not if you need me." I said, cradling Marinette's head in my arms. I had a million questions, but they could wait. She needed me. Me. Nino Lahiffe. Right now. I wasn't gonna leave her again. She was one of my best buds.

Did she have anyone to talk to since she ran away? Did anybody know where she was? A close friend that I didn't know about maybe? I would have gone crazy if Adrien wasn't around. Then again, if Adrien had screamed at me like Alya screamed at this poor chick... 

That's when it caught my eye. A small red thing where Marinette had been sitting a moment ago moving to a place where I couldn't see it. I wanted to ask her about it, but she was so upset right now. I couldn't make it worse by probing questions that she didn't need to be asked. It wasn't important.

"Now how often do you want a visit from your pal Nino?" I asked.

Marinette's eyes met with mine.


"You clearly need somebody to talk to. We don't need to be best buds again till you're ready, but you need somebody  to talk things through with."

She sniffled a little and pulled out of my arms, like she suddenly realized she was snuggling me. 

(A/N Just gonna clarify here, this is a strictly platonic snuggle. There isn't ANY romantic tension or anything. Nino and Marinette as a couple is kinda weird to me. They're like siblings. I tried to write Nino clarifying that, but it sounded too much like when Adrien is denying stuff, being to cover up how he actually feels.)

I wanted to pull her back, because she clearly wasn't done, but she scooted away back towards her stuff and just looked at me. Not for the first time since I found this place today, I met Marinette's eyes. I could see just how bad she wanted to tell me SOMETHING, but it was like some magical being was hiding in the room and would jump out if she said anything.

"Once a week?"

"Is Mondays after school okay?"

"Yeah. As long as there isn't an akuma. Get to safety first. "

"Done Dude!"

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