Chapter 30: A World Collapsed

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If she hadn't pushed me out of the way, I would probably have died then and there.

---Adrien's POV---

I had separated from the group as soon as I reasonably could. I just had to hope they didn't do a head count. 


My hands led the leather, covering my body in the skintight suit that gave me freedom. For the most part at least. 

Cat Noir was still a public figure. Honestly, I didn't mind as much anymore when people called me Ladybug's sidekick. It did for a while, but letting her have the spotlight honestly gave me more experiences. As Adrien, I was always in the spotlight. Every move I made was calculated for me and approved. The more Milady took the focus off me, the more free I became.

And yet, there was something about hearing he defend me, calling me her equal that was just so... Captivating. Her miraculous clearly was much more powerful, being that she had more than one power, and honestly the lucky charm was so confusing like 90% of the time. Still, she insisted that we were equals and that she couldn't do what she does without me. 

A tremor brought me out of my train of thought just as my magical transformation was complete. Whatever was happening in that classroom, it was damaging the whole building. Chunks of concrete were falling at near random, with ceilings and floors giving out all around me. 

Good thing I knew the ways to the classroom like the back of my hand. Honestly, I could get there from any part of the school no problem. It helps that was something I had learned by doing though. I had to transform in some pretty random places before, and still make my way back to the group before anyone noticed my absence. It was just that last bit I had trouble with.

Dashing through a different hallway, I found the back wall had been broken and was now an open entrance.

"Did somebody call for their knight in shining leather?"

"Comedic timing Cat!"

"Meouch. Am I buggin you bugaboo?"

The akuma took notice of me and grinned.

"Don't worry Kitty Cat. All I need from you is your ring, then your debt will be paid."

"Debt? Wasn't aware that I loaned any money."

"Not like that pussy cat. Everyone owes Karma a debt. Little miss Lila's best friend over here, well. She never said ANYTHING about Lila's lies. Talk about an enabler. She owes me a lot more than her pretty little jewels."

Karma took a sharp dagger from her bag and threw it at Ladybug, who dodged at the last second. If she had moved a moment later, her head would have spit in two.

Karma snapped her fingers, and lightning flashed off in the distance. Rain. Karma was making it rain?


I felt a harsh push and I fell to the ground a few feet away from where I was standing.

Turning around, Ladybug's leg was pinned under a huge piece of the roof that had been dislodged from the slippery ceiling above us. If Ladybug hadn't pushed me out of the way, I would probably have died then and there.


I rushed over to the injured superherione laying under a massive chunk of concrete.

"Don't go anywhere little bug. I've got a date with a liar."

I started to go after her, but stopped hearing Ladybug trying to move the rock and cry out in pain.

"What are you doing Kitty? I'll be fine!"

"Nuh uh. I've been in enough cat fights to recognize a serious injury. Until you can do the magic ladybug cure, you and me are sticking together. No matter what you think."

---Alya's POV---

We're doomed.

As much as I love Nino, he's the lovable idiot. He literally took us AWAY from the front door and now we've been separated from the rest of the class. If I could stand, I probably would have walked right up to him and shook his adorable shoulders.

"Now what do we do, genius?" Chloe sniped, clearly still upset about not being the leader.

"I'm thinking!" He whisper shouted back at her. "Alya, how's your leg?"

"Not great."

That was an understatement. My ankle felt like it was on fire. Even the slightest bump from Ivan carrying me sent me into whole new waves of pain. Keeping myself composed was getting harder by the minute.

"Ok. Uh, Ivan, take Alya out the back entrance and take her to the hospital. Chloe, you go too."

"Excuse me? You don't tell me what to do."

"Fine then. Stay here and help me and Alix lift tons of concrete so we can get our friends out of there before Karma finds us."

"That'll mess up your manicure." Alix snorted.

Wow. I had never seen Nino take charge like that before. To be honest, he really didn't do much. It was nice to see him take the leader role for once, and it actually suited him well. 

"You know what? Since I'm feeling generous, I will listen to you. Don't expect it to happen again though headphones. Let's go blogger girl."

"Good. Now let's get this mess taken care of Alix."

"Yes sir mister DJ sir!"

Ivan, stepping carefully around pieces of the collapsing school, carried my fragile body towards the back entrance. I could hear Nino and Alix talking to the classmates who had bee trapped and moving the smaller pieces that they could lift.

This wasn't the plan. I had been so careful to make sure all the doors and windows were closed tight. I only got one of my guests in before the room went to chaos and the video I had spent so much time making had only just begun. 

Marinette deserved a perfect reveal about Lila. I had planned this so everything she had ever claimed would be refuted and I had only scratched the surface. Marinette was my best friend. We had hurt her so much. I had hurt her. 

Now I couldn't do anything but watch as the world around me burned without her calming presence.

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