Chapter 17: Plans For Justice

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She had told me all about her plans to take down Lila. While he had originally tried to tell her to take the high road, that was while her lies weren't hurting anybody.

(A/N Just a heads up, this chapter is mostly dialogue)

---Alya's POV---

She didn't want to help. Never in a million years would I have thought that Ladybug would refuse to help. Even if Cat Noir wanted to help, Ladybug didn't. I knew from my adventures as Rena Rouge that it would be hard to change her mind. That ment finding her was up to me.

**Ring Ring**

 "What do you want Alya."

 "Hello to you too Max."

"Given your decision when the classroom split their beliefs, I did not think that you would call me."

"I guess my acting skills are pretty good then."

"Acting? Am I to believe that you did not mean anything said in class?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Why lie? That makes you just as bad as Lila, though maybe not as cruel."

"Okay one, ouch. Two, Have you heard the expression keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"

"Of course I have Alya. Although I hardly see how that applies in this situation."

"I've been gathering proof Max. Everything she told us is going down."


"From her friendship with Jagged Stone to her visits in Achoo. If I can manage it, her friendship with Ladybug too."

"Why do you need me for this. Logically, the less people that know your plan the higher percent chance of it working."

"Listen, I need your help Max. More accurately, Markov's."

"Why would Markov be necessary to your plan?"

"Can he record things?"

"That is a basic skill. One of the first things that I implemented into his harddrive when I programmed him."

"So... Yes?"

"(sigh) Yes Alya, he can record videos and photographs."

"Can I borrow him? I need to have a chat with Lila soon."

--Adrien's POV---

While everything that Ladybug said made sense, it didn't hurt any less. How was I just supposed to NOT help as Cat Noir? That was when I had the most power. The most influence. I needed to do SOMETHING to help.

First things first, I needed to talk to Alya again. If Ladybug wasn't going to help then she needed to know that. As hard as telling her that would be. Planning for a super hero to find your friend is a big deal. If they won't help you need to know that early on.

I vaulted back to the reporters house. This was going to be difficult. It was difficult for me to accept and she said it to my face. 

Apparently Alya was waiting for me to return. 

"There you are."

"Listen, she won't"

"I know,"

I was shocked. She already knew that Ladybug would refuse? How?

"I was going to tell you not to go after her, but you left to fast."

How could she knew that? Was she lying? If it weren't for our conversation the other day when I was Adrien, I would believe that but she seemed too genuine right now.

"I need your help. I was planning on asking Ladybug since she would be a more credible witness, but you would work great."

Okay, I was confused. Witnesses? Credibility? What was going on?

"Do you mind If I record you?"

"I'm not in the best mood for an interview Alya."

"It's about Lila."

That got my attention. She had told me all about her plans to take down Lila. While I had originally tried to tell Marinette to take the high road, that was while her lies weren't hurting anybody. They were hurting people now.

"Lila Rossi?"

"Yes. Lila Rossi."

"You want serious Cat or Playful Cat?"

"Either is fine. Whatever you're more comfortable with."

"Got it."

"Do you mind if I record you?" She asked again while pulling out her phone.

"Not at all. Where do I sit?" I asked, looking around the room.

"Anywhere is fine. I need to ask you a few questions about my classmates. You don't need to say anything that could reveal your identity. Is that okay Cat Noir?"

"Ask away." I said, sitting down on her bed.

"What do you think about Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"She's an aMEOWsing girl. I don't know her well, but it is a shame that she's missing.

Alya nodded, happy with my answer. Apparently she expected something like that.

"What do you think about Lila Rossi?"

"She... Lila has... Dark thoughts. she's been akumatized enough times to rival Mr. Pidgeon."

"Would you say that your friends?"

"No. I honestly do not get along with her well at all."

"What about Ladybug. Is Ladybug her friend?"

I could see where this was going.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure that Bugaboo dislikes Lila more than she disliked Chloe."

"What about miraculous? Has Lila ever received one? Like the fox perhaps?"

"I sadly can't go into too much detail to answer that, but I can say that I am certain that Lila does NOT have a miraculous, nor will she ever receive one."

"What would you say the main difference between Rena Rouge and Volpina is?"

"Besides the fact that one was an akuma and the other a super hero?"

"Care to elaborate?"

"Volpina was akumatized because of a lie of hers that went too far. Rena Rouge was given her powers by Ladybug because she earned her trust and has successfully managed to keep it"

"Thank you. One last question, What do you think about the drama at Francois De Point High School?"

"I would need more information."

"Students have taken sides. Either believing Marinette, or Lila. This has led to a massive divide in the class. What is your take on that?"

I thought for a moment before replying.

"I think it's a shame that so many people believe Lila's lies when they could be so easily disproven. I guess that's the point of this interview?"

"Yes. Thank You Cat Noir. You've been a great help."


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