Chapter 49: A Force of Protection

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He turned again, looking her dead on as she had moved up next to him.

---Nino's POV---

"Heeeey dude..." I hesitated, "You okay?"

"Uh- yeah."

I turned around, trying to get a gauge of how she was feeling. 

"You're not mad are you? Cuz me and Wayzz were watching the news, and things didn't look good, and I couldn't see Cat Noir and-"

"I'm not mad." She interrupted. I could see a glimpse of a small smile on her face. "Thank you, Carapace."

"I'm not letting you get hurt while I can do something. ESPECIALY if that is who I think it is." I nodded my head over to the akuma. "Lila?"

"Yeah," She strained, standing up slowly, "Who else could hate me with such a burning passion."

The akumatized Lila landed in front of me and Ladybug, glaring at me from inside the magical shield.

"This is between me and the bug. Scram Shelly."

She aimed her staff thingy at us and fired. I had to dig my feet into the ground hard to keep the Shell-ter active. I was a bit out of practice. I could see her preparing herself for another blast.

"Not trying to rush you or anything dude, but are you ok to fight? I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this thing up."

"I think so." She said rubbing her arm carefully. 

"Where's Cat Noir?" I hesitated, not quite wanting to risk her getting hurt.

"He's getting Alya to safety. Monarch here seemed pretty intent on hurting her earlier."

Lila blew again, hitting the force field harder and cracking it slightly. 

"I trust you Carapace. I need you to trust I'll be okay too. Go detransform and feed Wayzz."

I turned again, looking her dead on as she had moved up next to me. Determination obvious on her features and for a moment, I could see how I never put the pieces together. She carried herself differently as Ladybug. More confidently. More sure of herself.

"Cat Noir should be back any moment." She stated, " He'd never leave me in danger for long."

"You really trust him huh." I asked. I already knew the answer. There's no other dude she'd leave her fate in the hands of. 

"Just don't let his ego get any bigger."

"Ok LB. Ready when you are." I shifted positions, readying myself to release the shield. I didn't want to leave her alone, but I'd be close enough to come back as soon as Wayzz recharged, and Cat Noir should be here any moment.


---Alya's POV---

"The airport?" I inquired, as Cat Noir put me back on my feet. "Why here?"

"Because Monarch won't think to look for you here." He replied, glancing around quickly before settling his eyes back on me. "She'd know all my normal hiding spots."

Fair. The first thing I would do if I was looking for someone Cat Noir had hidden would be to look at the Eiffel Tower. Not exactly a stretch to think that Lila would do the same. Especially when akumatized.

A faint voice caught my attention from a TV mounted on the wall nearby. The news was covering the battle scene we left. There was a lot of smoke covering the battle, but three figures were identifiable as well of some sort of green glow.

"Three?" I muttered, walking closer to the television to watch closer.

"I got to go. Can't leave Bugaboo waiting for her purrecious compurrnion." I heard Cat Noir say from behind me. 

The smoke on screen cleared up a little, but not enough to really see what was happening. It was clear that Nadia was supposed to be narrating the battle, but the volume was at that insanely low public TV volume where you can't hear anything.

Glancing around the room a little, there were a lot of people waiting on planes to take off. It was common practice for planes to be late to depart due to akuma attacks by now, but it still would be frustrating. 

Prince Ali and his bodyguard assistant lady were standing off to the side, near the private planes. Probably trying to get back to Achoo.

I looked back at the screen. The smoke had mostly cleared up now. Ladybug was running fast from various blasts aimed at her by Monarch. That wasn't what caught my eye. 

Carapace was visible on the corner of the screen, making an escape. His bracelet flashed, telling me what that green glow from earlier was. His Shell-ter. There was just one, big, problem with that. 

When did Marinette have the time to get the miraculous to Nino?

(Sorry for the kinda short chapter. Been busy trying to get ready for school starting tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good summer!)

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