Entry 8

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After leaving the camp, we all go to a little cafe and sit down for a bit.

"I have to say kid, that was by far the most fun ive had in a long time, and you were amazing. I have never seen a 10-year-old do something like this. You have my respect and my support" Peleus said "meaning I plan on helping you, I am a Huntsman, I can help you get the people to the village. Then if my wife and daughter is okay with it we can move to the village"

"You don't have to, and I am the leader sooo, you will be following a 10-year-old boy," I said

"No, I will follow a 10-year-old man," he said "I don't mind following you at all"

[Quest alert: completed

*get 5 people devoted enough to your cause to follow you despite your age

Rewards: job menu, skill book, mp-40, x300 mp-40 rounds]

[Collect rewards y/n]

I click yes and the stuff enters my inventory.

Also, who is the 5th member? I have ren, Nora, emerald, and now Peleus. So who is it
[Devoted members
Lie Ren
Nora Valkyrie
Emerald sustrai
Peleus Nikos
Adam Tauras]


Just as I was slightly freaking out, said bull faunas walks up to me

"Is What you said true, that you will give us jobs and pay equal to that of humans?" He asked

"Yes, 100%, why do you ask?" I said

"Well, I was about to go join the SDC because my family and I can't get work anywhere else. But If we work for you, we won't have to, right?" He asked full of hope

"Exactly, you don't have to sell yourself into slavery. Your family will receive a livable wage if they work for me or if they want to do something else they can buy some land and start a business of some kind and as I said, they will get a free house." I explained

"Why are you doing this, why are you being so nice," he asked

"We live in a world attracted to negative emotions, the lack of unity and peace could easily be humanity's downfall," I said

"You are a cool thanks," he said with a smile.

"Hey, Don't worry about it. Things are going to be okay" I said as he nodded and left

"How old are you again, because that was something that adults would have trouble getting out," Peleus said

"Im 10, same as before. Im just in a great mood after helping all those people, they  looked really happy

We soon leave the cafe and head towards the center of town and pass out the remaining flyers, Peleus calls his wife while we are doing this to talk about the situation.

" honey I know that I retired from being a huntsman to train pyrrah but I need to take this mission, it will be a few days just outside the city, after that I may a something I would like to talk to you about," he said

"I don't know, this seems so sudden, just yesterday you were saying that you would never take another mission from the guild, or the Academy." His work said

"It's not from either, it's from a young boy, he's trying to start a village and asked for a favor today, he asked me to play his dad for about an hour, well I did. This kid is built differently like I said he is trying to build a village, so he needs citizens, what does he do? Makes hundreds of trays, bowls, cups,  and utensils from thin air." He ranted

"Then he made metal pots from thin air and a bunch of food and water the same way. This kid is mind-blowing.
He feeds over 250 homeless and gave a bloody good speech, I have him feeding them, and the speech recorded. So I will send it to you as proof" he continued

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