Entry 16

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An hour later we found ourselves at the Glass Unicorn hotel.

The Glass Unicorn is an enormous, luxurious multi-story hotel situated in the city of Atlas. It appears to have five floors, including a lobby, various kitchens, and an abandoned storage room. The hotel's ceiling is made of glass. The walls are golden and brown, and it has red carpets along the floor.

Standing at the front entrance, I look at the others and quickly remind them of the situation.

"Alright, so like I said, we are looking for a girl with raven black hair and amber eyes, she should be about my age, maybe a year older, if you see her tell her to meet over there" I explained before pointing at a column next to a statue

They all nod before we walk up to the front counter. "Hello, I would like to rent two rooms for a week," Qrow said

"Of course sir, that will be 2,534 Lien," the woman at the counter said

"Wonderful, can you give me the lein from my wallet son," Qrow asked

"Sure thing father," I said pulling a small bag of lein from my pocket

Qrow took the bag and placed it on the counter, the woman counted the money and the lady counted it before placing it in a bag and putting it under her desk.

She pressed a button and soon cinder came to the front desk in her white clothing.

"This is cinder, she will take you to your room, if you need absolutely anything, call me or look for her," the lady said

Cinder gave a fake smile and bowed slightly"If you follow me, I can take you to your room"

Qrow gave a more genuine smile and nodded "alright kiddo, lead the way"

We followed cinder to the third floor and entered our rooms, I turned to cinder and looked at her for a second.

"You aren't happy, are you," I asked

Her eyes widened for a second and she puts a fake smile up and tries to make herself look happier. "of course I am sir, why wouldn't I

"Forcing a smile, to make things look okay...hmm...pretty good, but you still have residual fear that I might say something to her," I said.

Her eyes widened once more "DON'T!" she slightly yelled

"Don't worry, I won't, but I want to talk to you further, how about tonight you come back here and have a small chat?" I said

She looked confused before slowly nodding. She was about to turn and leave before I used my metal magic to mess with the copper in the taser necklace's circuit.

She continued off looking down

I turned around and walked into my room.

The other four walked in behind me

"Vinny, that was well done, you knew what to say that would trigger some emotions," Qrow said

"I didn't think we would want to do something like that, it would come off as weird" Emerald said

"Yes well, telling her to come to talk to me later tonight will be either really creepy to her and she doesn't come, or my little mental reading caused her to be interested in what I have to say if it comes down to it I can blackmail the owner of the hotel" I explain

"Remind me not to get on your bad side" Qrow rubbing his forehead

"You're saying that now? A few days ago I literally turned a man insane by aging him by 5 years" I asked

"my point still stands," Qrow said

"True," I said

"Ah, hey kid, Ironwood wants to meet with us, is that possible to do right now," Qrow asked

"Sure, but I am not joining Atlas Academy either. I would like to be allies though. It could benefit both of us" I said

He nods and starts walking out of the room, I follow him motioning to the others to follow.

We head out and looked up at the sun,  it was around mid-day and the sun was bright.

We took a subway to the Academy and the academy.........was pretty neat.

Nora was practically jumping up and down, Ren and Emerald were in shock at the sheer size of the place.

"We can look at the place more in-depth later if we need to, right now the headmaster needs to speak with us," I said as we walked farther into the Academy

After following Qrow a bit longer through Atlas Academy, we made it to Ironwood's office.

"Heya Jimmy," Qrow said as he entered

"It's Colonel Ironwood, Qrow" Ironwood responded

"So, Colonel, what do we owe the pleasure of meeting," I asked

"So polite, anyway, your little stunt near argus has made you a bit of a celebrity, and so people are demanding that we reward you, I am willing to give you a full scholarship to Atlas Academy." He stated

"No thanks, I have my kingdom to attend to but recognizing me as a kingdom by Atlas standards could benefit all of us, it could include trade, foreign exchange, and even an increase in capable fighters, what I wish for is to completely eradicate the Grimm, so if you help my kingdom, we will eradicate all Grimm" I explained

"And exactly how do you plan to do that?"Ironwood asked as if I was just a naive child

" with this," I said pulling out a large purity dust crystal with such high quality a small amount could destroy about 25 Grimm

Ironwood stepped back out of his chair in surprise before observing the crystal in awe

"By the brothers, this dust is incredible,its legendary dust, but what is it going to be used for," Ironwood asked.

"We take this, put it in a missle, and fire them into the pools of darkness" I explained

"Whats the pools of darkness" ironwood asked

"You seriously have never seen them, they are mainly in the Grimm Lands, the are black pools of sludge, it turns into Grimm" I explained

Ironwood in some shock looked at Qrow who looked slightly surprised as well.

"Kid, do you really think that will work," Qrow asked

"It's a 50/50 shot. If it fails It just kills all the Grimm for several miles" I explained

It's basically an anti-Grimm nuke, or it is an anti-Grimm nuke with a spawn camping function

After the two adults got out of their shock and planning Ironwood looked back to me.

"I don't know how you are so intelligent but if you get me some plans I can get the missle built," ironwood said

"Don't even worry about it, I can have a prototype for you by the hour" I said

Ironwood sighed but nodded "you are free to use one of the workshops deeper into Atlas,"

"No need," I said as I created the casing of the missle before filling the engine with a mix of sugar and potassium nitrate, after that, I fill the missle payload with the dust and a small firing charge

"By the gods, what manner of magic is this" ironwood asked

"It is the kind that lets me do pretty much anything" I said

" I think i have someone who might like to talk to you"Ironwood said

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