Entry 13

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Back on the airship, I am seated near a window, I look around at the landscape of Remnant

I see a sprawling landscape of trees and mountains, which means we are near the middle of Anima, it will probably be a few more hours before we reach a city on the northwestern part of the continent.

From there, we will be off to Atlas and we can then focus on how we get cinder to trust us and follow us back to Haskaria

"Okay, for the past four hours you have been staring into space, any reason why?" Qrow asked

"I have a lot to think about, my mind is my greatest ally," I said

"What are you thinking about"

"Well, once we get to Atlas, we will need to find the hotel cinder is being held in, but it's an expensive hotel, so we will have to look the part" I explained

"Right, so when we get there, we will need to find expensive-looking clothes," Qrow said

"Or I could make them," I said creating a lotus stem silk scarf  "in my world I could sell this scarf for up to 260L, this is a difficult thing to produce, and the growth cycles of the plants are weird"

"So you can literally just make anything then?" He asked

"Almost, a good way to explain it is: I can make the base materials, but if I want to make something I have to know how to build each part. I can't make a scroll, but I can make paper or even a steam engine" I explained

"So, does that mean, if you have the base materials of everything, you can use it to make life," Qrow asked

"I don't know, back in my world, the scientists had almost mapped out how humans are composed, and cloning was being developed, it was possible to clone a dog. So if I ever learned how humans worked, I might be able to get a life affinity," I responded

"How do your affinities work," he asked

"Again, I don't know, but once I figure out how it happens in nature I get an affinity for it, I can train that affinity to be able to do more with it" I explained once more "I have a gravity affinity and a time affinity so I  decided to do some testing and made an entire planet built with a moon"

As we were talking suddenly the airship rattled. I turned and looked out to see hundreds of avian Grimm.
I turned back to Qrow and smiled before hopping out of my seat

"FINALLY A FIGHT!!" I yelled opening the pressure lock and using air affinity to keep myself floating.

I float to the top of the aircraft and stand on top.

What I see before me, is about a hundred avian Grimm. I bring out my mp-40 and start letting loose on the smaller Grimm utterly destroying bone armor and flesh. I catch the attention of several Grimm, causing them to fly towards me.

I take a large burst of air and blast them back before shooting them. More Grimm start flying at me but they are hit with a shotgun blast. I look behind me and see Qrow with his gun sword.

"Glad you could join me," I said before blasting a nevermore brains out

"And miss fighting along the king's side? Never" Qrow said returning the joke while killing a queen lancer " the ship has some small guns on it but it is taking a bit to get them ready"

"Great, for now, let's have some fun," I said before flying off the ship with a steel knife slashing Grimm where ever I could find an opening.

I bring fire affinity up and spray extremely hot fire all over the Grimm charing them, suddenly loud machine gunfire started, and more Grimm fell from the sky.

-------with jaune---------

Great, first I get really sick from riding in this airship and now it being attacked, all we were supposed to be doing was going to Argus to go to my sister's wedding, nope now we're going to die.

I look out the window to see a kid no older than me flying around really fast slicing Grimm to pieces.

He stabbed one and it flew directly into the side of the ship jolting it around.

Causing me to get nausea, I run back to the bathroom and continue throwing my guts up. But one that was in my mind

"I want to be like him"

--------back with me-----

Crap that easily could have caused issues, good thing is, only about 10 left. So I take air affinity and fire affinity and blast the hottest fire I could with pure oxygen right at the final Grimm turning them all into pure carbon.

A few minutes later we got back to the ship and it was a mixture of shock and awe, three kids specifically looked like I was some kind of great hero

Nora, Ren, and Emerald ran up to me and hugged me telling me that I was awesome and whatever, though my focus was on the kid behind them.

It's jaune, the hero of many fanfictions,  though he looked like he was about to throw up I quickly make an aluminum bottle and fill it with water, some sugar and, lemon and lime juice, then carbonate it.

I walk over to jaune and hand him the bottle. "Here, sip at this its a carbonated drink, its a light drink so it helps keep you hydrated when you have motion sickness"

He took the bottle and took a sip before sighing with a smile.

"You are really cool, you fought through monsters as if they were nothing, then you come back on the ship and help me with my motion sickness.....are you a wizard?" Jaune asked

"Yes, I am the king of a King about 100 miles west of Mistral. It was just founded not long ago" I explained

"You are a king!?!???, AWESOME!!! Just wait until my sisters hear I met a king," jaune said before leaving with a wave

The next people to come up was the ships, Captain.

"You saved our ship, you saved all the people on board, for that I thank you. Here is my scroll number, if you ever need someone to fly you somewhere, I'll be more than happy to help" he said

"I'll keep that in mind when I need to get to vale," I said

The captain nodded and said goodbye and walked off.

The five of us sat back down and slept for the rest of the trip.

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