Entry 27

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It's been several months since the festival, things have been insanely busy, and on top of all that, cinder is now 13, Nora, Ren, and Emerald are now 10, and I am now 12. it has been so crazy mainly because...yah know I will start from the week after the festival,

{4months earlier}

after the festival, I began working and focusing all my mana on building a very large underground cavern full of all different types of the highest quality dust you can find, even some more unnatural types of dust, specifically light, and holy dust. around the entire cavern, I made a dome that would stop all explosions from reaching the city or any infrastructure.

The next day early in the morning I went to someone who said they had experience in dust mining, they went by the name Eric Cromley. I told him about the mine, the following day he went out to the spot with me and a group of soldiers.

We entered the cavern and the man instantly stopped when he looked at the cavern. "Well, in my opinion, this country is soon to be one of the biggest names in the World soon, this dust at first glance is so pure that refining it will be easy, next is due to the clarity of this dust, its high grade and very dangerous. It will take a group of very skilled miners to extract it"

as he said that, I walked up to one of the crystals and slightly pulled up and it came loose. "If we don't get careless when pulling them out we should be fine, but as you said, make sure you find the most skilled miners and be as safe as you possibly can." " Im giving you this mine as you are the most suited to extract it, the mine and what it contains is yours, but I would like to purchase a portion of the dust."

"Your Majesty, I am truly grateful for your gift but I have no money to purchase equipment, workers, and transportation," Eric said

"Ive got that covered, im going to be doing a lot of work on the Infrastructure in the coming months to expand to the other village, and I want to begin trade deals with the other villages around."

"Well, if you have this all planned out then I can try," Eric said

"Listen, this is a cavern full of the highest quality and rarest dust on the planet, don't pass up the opportunity to make your life and the lives of all of haskaria better. I appreciate talking with you, but now I must go on to the next project" I said before walking to the center of the town

I come up to a building that was fixed but nothing was ever done with it. Im finally going to build a school that can teach basic math and reading so we don't have an illiterate generation.

I separate the building into three rooms, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This is the start of an academic standard. The class sizes are small, about 20-30 students, only meant to teach people to read, write, and some math.  The rest of the education will be through the guildhall that I am going to be building next.

I furnished the school with books and materials, I even made a small break area to relax between the two classes.

The schedule for the classes will be two, one-hour classes with a half an hour break in between.

I finished building the school at around 12:30 pm, I decided to take a nap to refill my mana and to clear my head.


Once im back up, I walk to another unoccupied building, I make a large reception area, a wooden corkboard for posting jobs, I put the new job opening up and post a paper talking about all the new announcements.

Next, I turn my attention towards the rest of the guildhall.

I make a bunch of offices for corporate ambassadors to represent their company in the guildhall.

An example of how this works, Mr. Cromley needs more miners and so he tells his ambassador and the guildhall posts it on the board, the company pays to do this as it's an advertising service, it is also a place to pick up apprenticeships. I finish it off by building a tavern and a bank to hold lein and any future currency that we may develop. 

After that, I go around posting it on the light poles.

Once that is over I decide to go over to the warehouses and stock rooms and look at the stock that we have.

[Food:10k tonnes
Water:80k gallons
Material: 15k units]

Alright! we are good to start selling food to other settlements and the major kingdoms, because one: I hear that food is oftentimes harder to produce because of the problems with land and terrain, Anima is really mountainous and rocky so growing anything is rough. but being the Gary sue that I am, that is no issue.

right now my main issue is transporting the goods, what I would like to do is update the current roads in the village and expand them to the other villages, first the village we liberated, we might change the name of that village to "the village of liberation".

I will hire some people to start digging out 1ft ditches to fill with gravel and pave over that with asphalt, in Jiyu village, we just need to pave over the existing brick, which isn't too hard, we just need some newer equipment.

we need a tank for the asphalt, a large roller, and a thing to spread the asphalt.

i walk over to my workshop and make the individual parts to a small truck to hold the tank, next i call every craftsman into the workshop.

"Alright, gentlemen, these parts here are going to be used to build a vehicle to carry asphalt so we can update the roads to something more durable and cost-effective to maintain. these are the instructions and some fuel is in that tank in the corner of the workshop, if you guys can get this built by the end of the week then I will give you all 1000 lein and I may have some contracts for all of you guys" I explained they quickly began getting to work.

the last thing I need to do is find out how to get more people for these new jobs, so i go to my lab and sit down in a chair and think of ways to do this, one way is to automate jobs like farming and transport.....what if i made Golems to do some of this.

i hop out of my chair and create 10 small clay figures with very detailed hands for grabbing plants. once I had finished all 10, I use [programming] to program them to harvest any mature plants they find. next, I make some clay golems and program them to make potions.

after I'm done with all these things, i go into another toom and sit to make a list of things i need to do

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