Entry 12: a new adventure

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The next morning I get up and go to the kitchen and sit down, I create a bowl and put some oats, milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon, I then heat it making sure the oats get soft, I do this four more times and lay them out on the table.

I walk up to the other's rooms and wake them up and tell them to come to get breakfast.

10 minutes later we all sit down and begin eating.

"So Vinny, who is going to be taking care of the village while we are away," Nora asked

"Ah, good question, last night I called and asked peleus to come to help out, so he said yeah, even got our tickets for the airship" I answered

"Have you ever figured out why he is always so helpful to you?" Emerald asked

"Actually, no, I have wondered before but, it seems he's ready to drop everything to help us," I said " I kinda just figured he was just being helpful"

"I don't know, im just wary of him," Emerald said

"Yeah, I am cautious about everyone except you guys," I said

Just then I got a knock at the door.

I walk up and open it to find peleus with a woman in her early 30s and a girl who looks about my Remnant age

"Ah, so you finally brought the wife and kid ay, well come have a seat at the table, we were just eating my special fall breakfast," I said

I lead them to the table and make more of the oats, I bring the food to the table and sit them down.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you both," I say to the two females shaking the older woman's hand

"My, my, you sure are polite. My name is Thetis, but you can call me Thetty, and this girl here is our little fighter Pyrrha" Thetis said

"Well, I hope you enjoy your time here," I said "if you want you can stay here while we are gone or you can pick a vacant house and use that for the time being"

"We'll take a vacant house for now," peleus said before another knock was heard

I walk to the door and see Qrow

"Hey ki-" I quickly slammed the door

Soon I heard knocking again, walking back over I once again

"Listen, I just want to talk with you some" Qrow said

"If I know you and oz like I think I do then you are not here just to talk over tea, you guys are probably trying to get me to work for you because of my abilities.....the answer is no," I said

"Fine, then let me help you with your plan in Atlas," Qrow said

"So im going to assume you know about that because you were spying in your birb mode" I accused

"Maybe, but still I could help you in the field as well as around Atlas," Qrow said

"Fine, but when we get to Mistral, find your ticket, just  so you know, I don't hate you, quite the opposite, I just don't like ozpin," I said

[New update: Rep menu added. To bring it up think the word 'Rep']


[Please think of the person you would like to view your Reputation with]

Ruby Rose

[Rep with Ruby: 1/100 cool person mom talks about]

Lie Ren

[Rep with Ren: 77/100 close friend, honorary brother]

Summer Rose

[Rep with Summer: 30/100 curious]

Sweet this is really cool, I can finally know what people actually think of me

Peleus Nikos

[Rep with Peleus: 88/100 sees you as a leader and wants to set you up with pyrrah]

O-oh hmm isn't she like 8 or 9. In this world Im like 11 so I would be like 35 in my old world........yeah that's a nope. I have the soul of a 35-year-old and an 8-year-old girl's dad who wants to match her up with me.  Perhaps it's me making it weird. This whole situation is weird.

That can wait for now anyway when this body is at least 17.

"KID!" Qrow yelled

"What?" I asked jumping from my thoughts

"You was zoned out and I was trying to tell you that we should probably get going to Mistral," he said

I nodded and turned to peleus and said "take care of the place will yah? If you do well I may have a proposal for you"

"Yes my lord," he said in a joking tone

I laugh "see yah, and enjoy anything that is in my house if you need anything here is 10,000L"

"Kid I don't need your money, and besides, you said it was for a week," Peleus said

"Alright, take care then," I said as Ren, Nora, Emerald, Qrow and I left the house.

We walked through the village and soon reached a large garage, I opened the door to see my 'Kamero' and my train

I hope into the kamero and the others follow.

"Vinny, can you drive, did you in your past life," Qrow asked nervously

"Of course I can drive, I drove all sort of vehicles back then, I even flew a helicopter, which was a type of bullhead," I said

"Do you know how to drive this car?" He asked

10 minutes later

"I don't know why you wouldn't let me drive," I said

"Hmmm, maybe it was the fact that you couldn't find the ignition, then you didn't know how to go forward, and when you did you almost hit a tree" qrow explained

I cross my arms and mumbled "everyone is a critic"

-------time skip---------

The ride to Mistral went without a hitch. I saw the same guard as we passed and he shook his head.

"Kid what are you doing back, you are insane, mobilizing those stray dogs as you did," the guard said

I quickly step out of the car, restrain him with metal chains, and put a time bubble around him.

What was the time ratio......well.....1min:10 years

I waited for 30s

I stopped the time bubble and he collapsed to the ground in his chains.

"Ahhhhhh!!, what did you do to me" the guard yelled panicking.

"Oh nothing have a nice day sir," I said entering the gate

"Kid, what did you do?" Qrow asked

"He was being racist so I made a time dilation bubble and made him five years older" I explained causing him to stare at me

"How about you, not do that to guards for the remainder of the trip," Qrow said sighing

"How you guys doing back there," I asked the three other kids in the back seat

"Good," Nora said

"Im doing okay," Ren said

"Im fine I guess," Emerald said

"Wonderful, I was hoping you guys were okay with all this" I explained

Pretty soon we got to the airport and began boarding while Qrow was getting a ticket

After qrow boards the ship we sit down and begin to rest up.

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