entry 24

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the battle is over, raven, unfortunately, got away. I would prefer to not kill her but if it can't be helped I will do what is best for Haskaria.

for now, the people need to have some fun. we just got out of battle.

a few days after the battle I walk into my office and begin work on a memorial and victory feast until a small blackbird flew in my window.

I made a cage around it "one squawk for raven two for Qrow"

*Kaww kaww*

"If your lying I will destroy your bloodline"

I let the bird go and it quickly shifted into Qrow "my god's kid, you are seriously crazy".

" yeah okay, anyway what's up"

"Well, I was wondering why I got a call from tai that my sister was found in my niece's room with chains binding her with an unknown material that is very durable and hard to cut."

"Hmm, Well this is funny, did yang hit her?"

"Wait how do you know Raven and her relationship with me and yang, and yes multiple times in the face"

"HAHA! Awesome serves her right for attacking my people. Now, do you want her to be released from the chains?"

"Not yet but I would like the option to"

"Fine, use this tool in a drill" I handed him a big saw with an actual diamond tip "This thing should cut through about any material"

"Thanks, what were you doing anyway" Qrow grabbed the tool

"Well just finishing our battle with your sister we are taking a chance to grieve for our losses and party for our victory, Qrow here in haskaria your sister is a wanted war criminal, if she is seen here again it's been ordered to bring her here dead or alive," I explained

" im truly sorry for what my sister has done but she is needed by ozpin"

"that's fine, as long as she doesn't step foot in haskaria she can be used by ozpin all he wants, "I said looking at my paperwork regarding the memorial, and other projects.

"uhhgg so much stuff to get done and not enough time, well I can control time so that's not an issue, here watch" I put a bubble around me and finished my work, in my time it took me 8 hours straight, but to Qrow it was a split second.

"Just when I get used to your craziness, you go even further. anyway do you mind if I stay a few days, oz said he would send a Bullhead soon to pick me up" Qrow said

"didn't you fly here?" I asked

"I can't do that. Kid I rode to mistral on an airship then flew here" he responded

"Anyway, yes you can stay, go talk to Peleus and help him train the Haskarian Defense force. after that, he will bring you back to the palace for dinner and sleep, you are not confined though so go hang out at a local bar or something, we don't have much entertainment, though the day after tomorrow is the victory festival and memorial" I said before Qrow nodded and let himself out

after finishing the planning and paperwork for the festival and memorial I walk to the graveyard where Ren's family is with the rest of the previous villagers and I form a large underground barrow, there a 3 rooms with 30 carved-out shelves. I place several light dust sources and coat the entire area with [holy ground]. I have a theory that Guests might be able to inhabit corpses somehow. that would make for a zombie movie and a half and so instead of waiting to have that happen I will make this place the safest place here from Grimm, I pack more and more [holy ground] into the walls and floors of the barrow

[holy magic lvl +1](holy ground now gives off a +2 HP per sec)

After finishing the Barrow I go back to the palace and enter the lab.

I want to try to make a creature here, so I grow a small tree and give it a face, vocal cords, and lungs, as well as a heart to carry co2 around.

After that, I form a type of brain and give the tree arms and legs. And thus I have an ent.

The tiny Treeman sits up and looks around

It lets out a deep sound and kneeled in front of me.

"Don't worry about kneeling, I've created you to live in the forest and become the forest to protect haskaria. That is your objective, stop all evil monsters from entering the forest to the village." I said before giving him an organ that draws mana from the earth and transfers it to holy mana.

One day the forest around jiyuu village will be a lantern of hope and purity in the future. Haskaria in my old world was a beacon of freedom and peace. They won't change because it's a different world.

The next thing I want to do is revisit potions. I also want to try getting fantasy materials and plants.

I grow a few dried mushrooms and red flowers and turn it into a powder before adding [holy water] and running as much Holy magic as possible.

The potion turned a deep blue. I put it in a glass bottle and set it on the table.

I look deeply at it for a few minutes before opening the bottle and drinking the whole thing.

My mana is filled from 50% to 100% in a matter of seconds. I feel like adrenaline just shot through my body.

So I take this chance to make a glassy clear Quartz crystal cube in a ceramic box with 2 petrified magic wood leads coming from it.

[Magic Battery obtained]

I put my fingers on the leads and push water magic into the battery until i felt a small resistance and sit it on the counter, next I form a pistol, I used enchanting to make the magic battery discharge when the trigger is pulled.

[programming magic discovered] 

"that will probably be useful in tons of things in the future, like now I can make technology, like better civil services, intricate missiles, computers that could be unhackable, cellphones, and even possible robots" I mumbled

just then Nora, ren, cinder, and emerald came in, another girl came in with them, Phyrra was with them

"Vinny, hurry Phyrras mom is cooking dinner today, shes a great cook....why do you have a gun?" Nora asked

"oh...this is a really cool magic gun i just made, i was about to test it. wanna see" i asked them

Nora and Cinder nodded their heads, Emerald rolled her eyes at them, and ren and Pyrrha smiled in silence.

I grabbed the battery, hooking it up to the gun, and pointed it at the wall, it was water magic so it won't hurt the stone walls of the lab. i pull the trigger and suddenly a blast of water came shooting out of the gun dousing half the lab with water.

i stand in shock for a second before looking behind me to see an equally shocked group of kids, i stand in silence before we all start laughing. Peleus and Qrow run in to see a lab that's dripping with water and laughing kids.

"What did you guys do," Peleus said relaxing a bit seeing they were okay" what was that sound

"I may have built a magic batter and put it in a magic gun and turned into an overpowered water gun" I Explained 

"How did it go out of control," Qrow asked

"it's probably when I made the gun to completely discharge when I pull the trigger. i thought the battery had less magic" i explained

"kid, your going to make me have a heart attack before im even 50" Qrow said

"get used to it, let's just go get some food. thetis has dinner ready" Peleus said before we all leave to eat

ahh, i have to get things set up tomorrow for the festival the day after.


(a/n) sorry about taking forever. i just graduated and work has been rough but im hoping to work more on this story

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