Episode 5 - Pact

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You felt like a bird in a cage. Those uniformed men wandered the hospital corridors and touched anything suspicious, with no slightest consideration or respect for the staff and patients being treated.

They looked at you with a hateful expression, despite your composed attitude. They knew you were a vampire or what they called a "leech" and seeing them around like that, armed, didn't feel good.

You weren't allowed to approach the patients and the areas you were allowed to visit were reduced to just the first floor and the main entrance. From afar, you glimpsed the figure of Dr. Ackroyd, intent on reading some medical records. He didn't notice you, as you were out of his line of sight, but he seemed somewhat restless and bothered by what was happening and threw the documents on top of the table before retreating.

《All this...is happening because of me...forgive me, Ackroyd...》

You were immersed in your thoughts, until someone came up to you by surprise.

《...it looks like you've chosen your prey...tell me, little vampire, you're waiting for the right moment, when there's no one left, to lay your fangs on him with such pleasure–》

《Don't allow yourself to address me like that and with that tone!》You squeezed the dark fabric of your skirt. You had enough of his harassing behavior.

《I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mr. McCullum, but I'm still a young lady and I don't accept that a villain like you speak to me like this!》You hurried outwards running away from that heavy situation, but the hunter began to chase you with a rather amused air.

《After what you did to my men, do you pretend to be still human? If you think you pity me that way, you're wrong. These tricks don't work with me...》

You stopped at a point beside the river, having realized that it was useless to go on. That hound would have been able to follow you all over London...

《I-it wasn't my fault, none of what's happening to me is!》  Despairing didn't help. His blue eyes didn't seem to be looking at you as a person.

At that point, McCullum advanced towards you. It wasn't his to approaching a vampire like that, but he also knew that in your condition you would never have thought of attacking him. It was obvious that he was taking advantage of your weakness.

《If that's the case, then I can put an end to all your suffering...there's no one here and no one will ever find out, not even your dear vampire doctor friend and that nutty of Swansea...》
He continued to stare at you as he drew out his sword.

《It'll be quick and painless...》  He positioned it so that he could, with a single blow, cut your thin neck sharply.

You don't react. At that moment, it seemed like the right thing to do to avoid further suffering. But there was something you couldn't get out of your head...the unknown image of that man who had forever doomed your life.

Your expression suddenly changed, despite the sharp weapon brushing your skin.

《I-I can't die. Not now.》  McCullum thought you were saying something pathetic to try to save you, until you continued.

《...I can't leave without first finding the one who made me this way. Give me a chance to take revenge on this monster, please...》

Geoffrey McCullum wasn't one to take pity on people, perhaps because of what had happened in his past; behind those words and that pleading but determined expression of yours, he didn't know why, he couldn't think otherwise.

《I'm not used to these things, but I give you this chance...》  He looked away, before setting it back on you.

《But I warn you, if I even see you approaching someone who's not a vampire, I swear that next time this blade won't stand still...》

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