Episode 2 - Curse

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You opened your eyes again a few hours later. You didn't feel any better than before and you were hoping to wake up in your bedroom and on your comfortable bed, kissed by the first light of dawn...

On the contrary, the sun was setting outside. You got up to get a better look from the window, but as soon as you put your hand on the glass you burned yourself. You narrowed your eyes, to bear the annoyance of the light, even though it was far and dim.

It wasn't enough. You really wanted to check it out and this time you opened the window and stretched your arm out...smoke began to escape from the pores of the skin, which was slowly burning. The pain became more and more intense, as if it was seriously in the flames.

You brought your burned arm back into the shadows.

《It's all true...I was hoping it was just a bad nightmare.》 You said out loud.

You would never be able to go out during the daylight again and you finally realized that you couldn't be the carefree 20-year-old girl you used to be. You would no longer be able to study or have a simple cup of tea, in the company of your guests, in your warm and luxurious sitting room, illuminated by the sun's rays passing through the windows.
You would never get your life back...you wouldn't be free anymore.
You feared for the health of your father, who would probably suffer your disappearance.

What followed was the memory of the last letter received from "him", the man of your destiny...but the dream of finally being able to meet him shattered into a thousand pieces.

However, there was still something that haunted you and that wouldn't give you peace, until you succeeded.

《I'll find him...no matter what. I have to find out who made me like this.》

With that new energy, you cleaned up and prepared yourself by wearing some clothes left on the nightstand. The fabric wasn't great, but at least they were clean.
As you buttoned your collar, you noticed that the marks on your neck were gone and the same was true of the burn on your arm.

Obviously, a vampire's powers went far beyond that and you would have learned them in time, but the only one you could ask about was someone like you.
Doctor Jonathan Reid...he would surely help you.

* * *

When night fell, you left the room. The gray, unhealthy corridors of the hospital accompanied you all the way, but no sign of the doctor.

You knocked on Swansea's door, but got no answer.

《They must be here, somewhere...》

You went down the stairs and stopped at the entrance not knowing where to go. The building was bigger than you thought.
You closed your eyes for a moment...you absolutely had to focus on your goal, despite the strong smell around you.

《Who are you?》 A woman's voice disturbed you. An elderly, serious-looking infirmary stood in front of you waiting for an answer.

《...I'm Y/n Wright. Maybe you can help me...I'm looking for Dr. Reid, or Dr. Swansea, have you seen them?》

The woman shook her head.

《I'm afraid not, Miss Wright, as I've been following my patients out of the hospital all the time, but maybe Dr. Strickland can help you...go that way, into the first room on the left and you'll find him.》

You thanked her. Something told you she was the head nurse, if not more, and thanks to her precise directions you were able to find the doctor.

He was with his back to you, so you called him politely.

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