Episode 1 - Rebirth

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It was all black, until your eyes noticed the animal near the sidewalk. You grabbed it with a quick wave of your hand and it died instantly.
You tore a piece of its tender flesh with your teeth, so strong.
Because of that, you couldn't think. You didn't care if someone was there and you didn't even care what you caught...what mattered was that you had to satisfy this need.

《...I'm thirsty...》

You kept biting, to suck every last drop. Your hands, your mouth, including your dress, were stained with blood.
Luckily, you were hidden in an alley, but you could clearly hear the voices of the people on the main street...and their heartbeat.

The temptation was strong. Now you wanted more and that irresistible smell was calling you. At that moment, an old gentleman stopped, right in front of you, to look at his pocket watch...

A perfect prey.

《...I want it...》

Those strange words came out from your mind and you couldn't control them, along with your actions.

You were about to take him by surprise when someone grabbed you from behind and brought you back into the darkness of the street.
Finally, your eyes returned to see the real world, especially the man next to you.

《Don't do it, miss.》

His deep voice woke you from that strange hypnosis. You couldn't figure out who he was, but his presence was overwhelming.

《You have to control yourself.》

He loosened his grip on your arm as he realized you were calming down, even if the smell from before wasn't gone.

《...who are you?》  You asked him with a weak voice.

《Before I answer you, it would be better to get out of here. This isn't a safe place.》  He took you in his arms and, with a sprint, moved among the buildings, invisible to the eyes of the people.

He took you out of the city, to a bridge on the Thames' banks. Apart from you two, there was the sound of running water.

《My name is Jonathan Reid and I'm a doctor. I hope you can forgive my rudeness.》  That mysterious and charming man had just introduced himself and, strangely, his name sounded familiar to you, as if you had heard it before, but you were too confused to notice.

His blue eyes continued to watch you, so vivid and lifeless at the same time.

《I think you guessed that I'm not normal...however, this also applies to you, miss.》  Despite the circumstances, he addressed you with extreme politeness.

《Do you remember your name?》  He asked.

Fortunately, you remembered that.

《Y-yes. It's Y/n. Y/n Wright...now, please, tell me something.》  You remembered the rat.  《Did you see me...before...?》

《It's not your fault, Miss Wright. You don't have to be ashamed. Unfortunately, someone made you what you are now...a vampire.》

Your eyes widened in shock. You had heard that term recently, from the mouth of some madman, but you couldn't believe that they really existed...and that you were one of them.

《H-how did this happen?! And why?!》  You rubbed your face trying to remember, but there was a hole in your memory and you couldn't remember what had happened in the last few moments.

The doctor listened to you without saying anything. After all, he had felt so disoriented the first time too.

《Someone, I don't know who, attacked, turned and abandoned you on the street...that explains why you were in those conditions...》

Your expression frowned.  《...why do you talk about it like it's nothing? I-I ate a lousy rat!》

《I'd be lying if I say the contrary. At first, it may not be easy for you to resist the temptation of the first bite...but I'm sure you'll be able to control this need, even if necessary, over time.》

You were upset. You couldn't believe what had happened to you, but his words were terribly serious.

Hearing no response from you, Jonathan ended his speech.
《I know a refuge, not so far away. You'll be safe there.》

You weren't used to certain confidences. That man was still a stranger to you, but he was the only one who could help you and decided to follow him.

* * *

Pembroke Hospital. This was the name of the "refuge". A simple hospital, perhaps the most shabby you've ever seen.
The smell of blood was in the air, but with Dr. Reid's presence you were able to calm down.

A row of beds, both inside and outside the building to accommodate the sick people, especially those affected by the epidemic.
The other doctors and nurses were too busy to notice you. Either way, you should have talked with the director.
When Jonathan knocked on his office, you met a friendly and professional looking gentleman, but you sensed something in him...his eyes hid dark secrets, too important and dangerous to be revealed to ordinary people.

《Come in, Jonathan...tell me, who is this gracious lady at your side?》  After the due introductions, he adjusted his glasses and, seeing your condition, he couldn't help but ask what had happened.

《Don't tell me she...》

《Yes. She was in the West End. When I arrived, she was already a vampire.》  The other doctor's eyes were truly dumbfounded and shone with an insanely bright light.

《So, she has recently turned...and also in an Ekon! I have to admit, this is the first time I've met one young like you.》  His language made you realize he knew a lot about vampires.

《W-what are you talking about? What is an Ekon? I would like some answers, please.》

Your new acquaintance, Dr. Edgar Swansea, explained to you what a vampire was and what distinguished it from the humans.

《Things like immortality are unknown to a man of science like me and what I know I got from the vampires I met, to understand more about their multiple natures. The Ekon are regarded as the purest and, paradoxically, most human race of vampires...you're one of them now, Miss Wright.》

The situation was more complicated than you could have imagined. You didn't want to believe anything he said and your thoughts focused on your family.

《W-what about my father? When will I be able to see him again?》

Jonathan addressed you in a gentle tone.  《I don't want to scare you, but it's better that you suspend contacts with your family members...I know it won't be easy, but they mustn't know what happened to you.》  Unfortunately, he was right.

《Please Jonathan, take her to the vacant room next to yours...we'll answer any other questions you have, but you have to rest first.》  The doctor motioned for you to follow him.

It looked more like a laboratory than a bedroom.

《I'll ask Dorothy to bring you a change of clothes.》  On your neck, he noticed the bite marks, still visible and deep. He hoped you no longer felt pain.
He wished you a good rest before leaving you alone.

You approached a mirror fixed on the wall and looked at your reflection. Your skin had turned paler and the sclera of your eyes was slightly red; it was always you, even if you didn't feel it.

Your senses were become excellent. You could hear the conversation of the other patients, even though they were downstairs, and the scent of their blood. There was no comparison to the taste of the rat...

You lay on the bed trying to think of something else, until the image of your father appeared. Only a few hours ago you had argued with him, but you never imagined it would be the last time.
After your mother died, you had become very close and he did nothing but worry about you and spoiling you as much as possible, being his only daughter.
He would have looked and waited for you to come back, to be able to hug you tightly and make peace...at that thought, you began to cry, although your cheeks remained dry.

《...even inside, I'm like dead.》

Without realizing it, you closed your eyes letting the cold of the room envelop you completely.

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