Episode 12 - Confession

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It wasn't the first time you had argued with the doctor, but when you heard his mouth speak out of turn towards the hunter, you didn't know why, but you were annoyed.

Did you really have feelings for him? Otherwise, it wouldn't explain the discomfort you had and you would have simply denied it. But you didn't do that.
Anyway, your thoughts carried you to Dr. Swansea's door, obviously closed.

Maybe you could have talked to him about it, you thought; besides, he knew sides of McCullum were still obscure to you and that would have helped you understand him better...

But why did you care? It was better to let it go, you already had other problems to deal with and you couldn't think of a fanatic vampire hunter like him.

Before you could leave that place, the office door opened behind you.

《Oh, good evening Miss Wright. Are you taking a walk? Well, I recommend a better place than this.》  Swansea's friendly face came out suddenly. There was no one around and asking a few questions certainly wouldn't have hurt.

You turned to him with a serious look.
《Dr. Swansea, can I talk privately with you for a moment or are you busy...?》

The other looked at you as if you had made an impossible request, but he moved slowly from the door.

《Of course. Come in.》

Swansea closed the door behind you and made you sit in front of his desk; now that you got a better look, his office was similar to an antique shop, unusual for a doctor, and the documents were scattered everywhere before your eyes. Contrary to what you thought, he must have been a very busy man, both day and night.

《I have a feeling that something is troubling you, miss. Now I'm here, just tell me.》  The doctor also took his place, leaning back on the seat.

You clenched your fists over your skirt not knowing where to start.

《...it's about him. Geoffrey McCulllum.》  You kept talking by noting his silence  《I believe it is not just our different nature that separates us...there are other things that I cannot understand and I would like to know more about them. For example, I would like to know where all this hatred for vampires comes from...》

You thought you were being misunderstood, but Swansea understood perfectly what you were asking.

《As you have certainly noticed, Mr. McCullum is certainly not a gentleman and despite his questionable ideals, I think his hatred of vampires is not entirely unfair...they were the ones who exterminated his family, after all.》

Swansea explained to you by bending his elbows on the desk; you didn't imagine that man's past could be so tragic and you were sure that he had been afraid of them too. For a moment, you felt guilty for asking but curiosity pushed you to go further.

《How did it happen?》  But when you said that, Swansea shook his head.

《I can't help you with this. Unfortunately, I don't know certain details from his past and if you want to know more, I'm afraid you will have to ask the person concerned, Miss Wright.》

Then, he smiled but couldn't help but wonder why you were so interested in him; in any case, you assured the doctor there had been nothing serious to take care of personally.

《...you don't have to worry about anything, doctor. I just wanted–》  Anyway, you wanted to end the conversation by getting up from the soft chair, but then he surprised you.

《I see, you just wanted to break into his heart? Well, I doubt it will be easy to do that...》  And he added  《But I don't see anyone else who can do it but you, Miss Wright.》

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